
アシガバード空港から国内線でマリへ トルクメニスタン編












We will be heading to the Merv ruins by domestic flight, departing Ashgabat at 6:30 and arriving in Mary at 7:10. This is a rare chance to fly on Turkmenistan Airlines.

We departed a little earlier than planned and stopped off at a night view point.

From here, we headed straight for Ashgabat Airport. We could see the airport shining in the distance.

The exterior and interior are both white, and the lights were shining brightly. I hadn't had much sleep, but I was wide awake now. It was beautiful.

There was only one airline counter, for Turkmenistan Airlines. I handed my passport to the staff, and they gave me my boarding pass straight away. The security check was also quick and there was no congestion. It is possible to bring in unopened bottles of water, but there was no particular check to see if the water in your hand luggage had already been opened, even though the bag containing the water was put through the X-ray machine. It is really nice to be able to bring in water in this hot region.


By the way, there was no chance to look at souvenirs during this trip. By the time we returned to the hotel after sightseeing, the bazaar had already closed, and even if we had wanted to go out on our own, the nearest restaurant was too far away. At the airport, there were the usual souvenirs like magnets and key rings, as well as alcohol produced in Turkmenistan, so my colleagues and I went in search of something, probably without much chance of success. The photo shows the shop on the floor where the check-in counters are lined up.

This is the shop you go to after security checks but before you head to the boarding gate. The guide said that “Turkmenistan makes vodka, beer, cognac and wine”, and you can find all of these here.

Turkmenistan wine starts at 133 manat per bottle, and cognac starts at 25 manat for a small bottle. If we calculate at the rate of 15 manat to the dollar, which is the rate we exchanged at, then the wine is about 8.9 dollars and the cognac is 1.6 dollars. I thought this was a good buy, so I and my colleague happily bought a lot of it.

Before we knew it, it was time to board the plane. The three-row-by-three-row plane was almost full.

As soon as we sat down, the flight attendant came to hand out candy. It was a short 40-minute flight, but I took a nap to prepare for landing.

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