
コーカサス・アルメニア編 便利だったものなど



























中心部から少し南にあり、地下鉄駅サスンツィ・ダヴィドСасунци Давидと南バスターミナルに隣接しています。アルメニアの鉄道は路線が少なく、国際線だとエレバンートビリシが1日おきに1本走っています。時刻表と座席の種類、料金はアルメニア鉄道の公式サイトで確認できますが、残席数を調べることはできません。予約や支払いもできないので、駅の窓口で購入します。僕は2日後の切符を買いましたが、空席はそれなりにあるようです。現金だけでなく、日本のクレジットカードでも決済できました。パスポートを渡すと駅員がプリンタでチケットを印刷してくれます。駅舎の中は切符売り場と広い待合室、小さな売店くらいしかありませんが、一度外に出て地下鉄につながる通路に入ると、軽食などのキオスクや両替所が立ち並んでいます。







It's business trip season again, just like last year. My company is very strict about how it uses its employees.

This time I went to the Caucasus. This is one of the few countries that still has direct flights from Russia. I've put together a memo of various things I saw there.

This time I entered the country from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia.

・Yerevan, Zvartnots Airport


The airport itself is small, with only one terminal. At the time of my arrival, there was a long line at the immigration desk, but you can queue at any booth, regardless of whether you are an Armenian citizen or a foreign national, and the officials will quickly guide you to an available booth. As is well known, if you have a stamp for entry into Azerbaijan, you will be asked about the purpose of your visit, but there is no problem with entering Armenia itself.

There is free WiFi in the terminal that does not require login, and there are also money exchange offices and mobile phone companies. The rates at the money exchange offices are not as good as in the city, but you will need cash to take the express bus to the city. In addition to major currencies such as dollars and euros, you can also exchange Russian rubles.

If you want to get a local SIM, you can buy one at the airport, but if you are only staying for a short time, you can sign up for a cheaper plan with less capacity at a store in the city. I got the cheapest plan I could at Viva-MTS in the airport, but this was 20GB, and according to my research online, there were cheaper plans with 5GB or 10GB. The SIM card won't connect to the internet just by inserting it, so it's a good idea to have the clerk set up the connection for you.

・Access from the airport to the city

The bus service, called Express 201, runs between the airport and the city center between 7:00 and 22:00.

If you click on the 'Elitebus' link on the official airport website, the following site will open, displaying the bus's current location. The map is in Armenian, so it's hard to read, but it's reassuring to know where the bus is.


The fare is 300 Armenian Dram (AMD) and only cash is accepted. The website says that there is one bus every 30 minutes, but when I used it, there was one bus every hour, departing from the Yeritasardakan subway station in the city center and the airport. The journey takes about 30 minutes. The microbus departs from the starting point, stops for 30 minutes when it reaches the end point, and then departs again.

There is a sign like this at the stop in front of the airport.

On the other hand, there were no signs at the bus stop for those heading from the city to the airport. I got on the bus from the side of the Elitazaldakan metro station, but it stopped on the road just after coming out of the ground, and there is a sign for the SAS supermarket on the opposite side of the road, so that can be used as a landmark. Yandex maps show the bus arriving and departing from this location, so that can also be used as a reference.

(Please note that there is no sign at the bus stop, although there is a bus stop mark on this Yandex map!

This bus stops at several places along the way. The stops are as follows

Recommended map for Yerevan

According to the staff at the branch, the most accurate map is Yandex Maps, and in some places Maps.me is also detailed. Yandex Maps is very convenient, and as in Russia, it displays not only the route, but also the transfer guide with timetables and the current location of the vehicle. Sometimes it seems that it is not equipped with GPS, and there are also things that are running in front of you even though there is no display on the map. However, in my experience, the timetables displayed on Yandex Maps are rarely accurate, so you should allow for twice the amount of time. In that respect, the subway is the fastest, and you can reach your destination on time.

Public transport

There are subways, buses, marshrutkas and trolleybuses, and the first three cost 100 AMD, while trolleybuses cost only 50 AMD. You can buy a ticket for the subway at the ticket window, but if there is a credit card reader at the subway ticket gate or on the vehicle of another type of transport, you can pay by touching your card to it. I haven't tried this, but if anyone has the chance, please do.

On the bus, there is an old-fashioned payment box next to the driver, and you pay by inserting a 100 AMD coin into the box before boarding. If you don't have a 100 AMD coin on you, you can pay the driver directly. For marshrutkas and trolleybuses, you pay the driver directly. For marshrutkas only, the payment is made when you get off.

For taxis, you can either negotiate directly with the driver or use Yandex Taxi. Bolt, a taxi app, is popular in Georgia and Azerbaijan, but I couldn't find it here. It was a bit of a surprise to see so much Yandex here, as well as on the map.

Railway stations and bus terminals (only some are introduced)

Yerevan Railway Station


It is located a little to the south of the city center, and is adjacent to the Sasuntsi David subway station and the southern bus terminal. There are not many train routes in Armenia, and the Yerevan-Tbilisi international train runs every other day. You can check the timetable, seat types and prices on the official website of the Armenian Railway, but you can't check how many seats are left. You can't make reservations or pay for tickets in advance, so you have to buy them at the ticket counter at the station. I bought a ticket for two days later, but there seemed to be a reasonable number of empty seats. You can pay with cash or Japanese credit cards. If you hand over your passport, the station staff will print out your ticket on a printer. Inside the station building there is only a ticket office, a large waiting room and a small shop, but once you go outside and enter the passageway leading to the subway, there are a number of kiosks selling snacks and other items, as well as currency exchange offices.

・Central Bus Terminal

Also known as the Kirikia Bus Terminal, this is the place where buses to Georgia and Etchmiadzin depart from and arrive at. There are multiple bus terminals and hubs in Yerevan, so it's important to check which one you need to go to depending on your destination.

By the way, when you walk around the city, you'll hear Russian spoken everywhere, and if you speak to the people you meet, they'll answer you in Russian, even if their level of the language varies. Since this is a pro-Russian country, there are Russian immigrants and tourists, but there are almost no refugees from Ukraine in this country. Also, the younger generation can also understand English.

However, there are also reports that if you can't speak the local language and can only speak Russian, you will be ripped off, and in fact, when I tried to negotiate the fare with a private taxi driver, I was quoted a price in rubles (three to four times the value of AMD), and at one restaurant, where it was stated that a 10% service charge would be added, I ended up being charged 25%, so I wonder if they were taking advantage of me? On the other hand, I didn't have any problems with public transport or supermarkets charging more than the stated price or giving me too little change, so there was no problem with using the same services as ordinary citizens. I was more impressed by the people, who seemed to be very talkative and able to strike up a conversation with anyone.

The weak yen was a pain in terms of personal spending. In particular, when converted to Japanese yen, prices are about double those written in the travel blogs of those who came before us and which we consulted in order to gather information about the area beforehand. For example, the rate at the beginning of 2021 was 1 AMD = 0.20 yen, but in April 2024, 1 AMD = 0.40 yen. As of April 2024, the lower bunk of a third-class sleeping car on the Yerevan-Tbilisi costs 14,545 AMD, which is 5,818 yen at the current exchange rate. At the rate of 2021, it is less than half of that, 3,000 yen or less, so it feels like a bargain. Moreover, prices are gradually rising in Armenia, so the ticket price itself must have been cheaper than this in 2021. Enough with the weak yen!

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