
カルムィク共和国への旅(その4) 遊牧民ミュージアム


 「遊牧民ミュージアム Музей кочевых народов」。ステップの中に突然このような移動式住宅「ユルタ」があり、この中で楽器の演奏や弓の使い方を見せてもらいました。










 このミュージアムはシティ・チェスСити-Чесс/Город Шахмат/Chess Cityという場所にあります。これは第33回チェス・オリンピアードのために1998年に建てられた複合施設で、昔、写真で見たときはガラス張りのビルがまぶしかったように記憶しています。しかし、現在はほとんど使用されていないらしく、当時作られた建物の部屋は今となっては売却されたりしているとのこと。周辺にはほとんど人気がなく、周囲はステップが広がるばかり。このミュージアムはユルタ3つ分しかなく、見るのに時間はあまりかからないので、ここで宿泊する必要性はまずなさそう。こうして廃れていくしかないのか。




   I was told that there is a museum that introduces the life and culture of the Kalmyk people, so I visited there as well.

The museum is called “Nomadic Museum Музей кочевых народов. Suddenly there was this kind of mobile house “yurta” in the steps, and we were shown how to play musical instruments and use a bow in this house.

In the center there is something like a calligraphy half-sheet. The museum staff showed us how the Kalmyk language is written vertically on the spot.

Various stringed instruments. The leftmost one has a tip in the shape of a horse, and is truly a horse-headed zither. The second one from the right looks like a balalaika.

After this, a Kalmyk song was performed with stringed instruments. The man's singing voice had an earth-shaking bass and high overtones like hoomii. Is there hoomie here, too?

Outside the yurta, there is a space where visitors can try their hand at shooting a bow, and there is also a space where visitors can dress up in traditional costumes and have their pictures taken. According to the museum staff, in Europe, the bow is drawn with two fingers, the index and middle finger, but the Kalmyks draw with only one thumb, which allows them to aim and shoot faster, which was the secret of their strength in battle on the grasslands.

Finally, we tasted Kalmyk tea and fermented milk liquor.

Kumys Кумыс/Kumys is no longer available (too bad!). (Too bad!) We first tasted another kind of fermented milk liquor. It is the white drink in the photo, in a plastic bottle. It tasted like sour plain yogurt or sour doburoku. This might be a little difficult to drink.

Then I was poured a cup of Kalmyk tea. Sorry I don't have a picture of the contents. It was boiled with milk and tasted a little sweet and slightly salty. It is very slightly salty, just like when you make Japanese sweets and add a little salt to make it sweeter. This time, they made it without butter, and it was an easy to drink, slightly sweet milk tea that was easier to drink than I had expected.

The museum is located in the City Chess Сити-Чесс/Город Шахмат/Chess City. This is a complex built in 1998 for the 33rd Chess Olympiad, and I remember seeing it in pictures back in the day as a dazzling glass building. However, it seems that the building is rarely used now, and the rooms in the building that were built then have now been sold or otherwise disposed of. The surrounding area is almost unpopular and the steps are just spread out around it. There seems to be little need to stay here, as the museum is only three yurts in size and does not take much time to see. Is this how it has to be abandoned?

Lastly, a mural on a house I saw in Elista. This design is unique to this town.

From here, we traveled three hours to our hotel in Astrakhan. While we were driving on the federal highway, it was nighttime. On the Kalmyk Republic side, there were no streetlights, but once we entered Astrakhan, streetlights lined the streets and it was no longer pitch-dark. Logistics trucks and such seem to pass by even late at night, but I wonder why this was.

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……