

一晩寝ました。ベオグラードБеоградに戻るため、スコピエ空港Аеродром Скопје / Aerodrom Skopjeに向かわねばならないのですが、代理店に顔見せしたあと、チラチラ前回同様に旧市街やアレクサンドロス大王、フィリッポス二世にご挨拶をして、それから空港に向かいました。空港へは市バスでも行けそうですが、シャトルバスがちょうど宿の近くから出ていたので、そこから乗車することに。













I slept for a night. I had to go to Skopje Airport (Aerodrom Skopje) to return to Belgrade, but after showing my face at the agency, I greeted the old town, Alexander the Great, and Philip II, just like last time, and then headed for the airport. It looks like you can get to the airport by city bus, but a shuttle bus was leaving from near my accommodation, so I decided to take that.
It's around the middle of the arrow. It's under construction, but there is a bus stop (although the bus stop is hidden inside the construction wall, and only the top of the head is visible).

I came from the north, and the bus was waiting for me about 20 minutes before. As usual, I put my luggage under the bus before getting on. It seems that the regular fare is 200 Macedonian denari. Koya-kun hadn't exchanged any money, so when he told the driver, with a sad face, that he only had euros, the driver took 2.5 euros from the pile of euro coins in my hand. For some reason, he was very particular about this and insisted that the next passenger pay in denars, and another passenger changed the money for him.

A large number of passengers got on at the bus terminal in Skopje.

We stopped at a gas station on the way to refuel. This is a rare experience for a large bus.

And so we arrived at Skopje Airport. If we've made it this far, we'll make it somehow.

The automatic check-in machine didn't work properly on the way. Maybe it's because Koya-kun is too static-prone.

I really wanted to try a Burger King burger at least once. But I was disappointed to be told that they only had chicken.

You can charge your phone here. It's free.

We used Air Serbia. Amazingly, we even walked to the aircraft. There were no buses.

In addition, of the standard-sized luggage that I tried to bring in as hand luggage, the staff collected the larger items that caught their eye. “Don't put it in there, check it in.” (In any case, it was treated separately from the checked luggage, and was handed to me immediately when I got off the plane later).

And so we returned to Belgrade. The time for the tense immigration inspection came, but nothing happened. In other words, they didn't even look at the Kosovo stamp, which was the cause for concern, and simply stamped us with the Serbian entry stamp.

After that, I took the same shuttle bus as on the way there to the city center, to Slavja Square, and after reporting to the agency that my mission was complete, I returned to Moscow, where it was cold after staying overnight. I was exhausted. However, I have another business trip coming up quite soon. I'm in a depressed state.

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……