

 ダゲスタン共和国で一番楽しみにしていたのが、デルベントです。今から5000年前には存在していたと言われ、ロシアの中で最も古い都市に挙げられています。デルベントの丘に初めて要塞が登場したのはB.C. 87世紀だそうです。その後、7世紀から10世紀にかけてデルベントはダゲスタン南部と共にイスラム化し現在に至ります。デルベントがロシアに併合されたのは1806年とのこと。











The place I was most looking forward to visiting in the Republic of Dagestan was Derbent. It is said to have existed 5,000 years ago, and is listed as the oldest city in Russia. The first fortress is said to have appeared on the Derbent hills in the 8th to 7th centuries BC. After that, Derbent and southern Dagestan became Islamicized between the 7th and 10th centuries, and this is how it is today. Derbent was annexed by Russia in 1806.

If you go south, you will reach Baku in Azerbaijan.

The old town of Derbent. You can see the fortress called Naryn-kala. I'm so glad I came.

From the observation deck in front of the citadel, you can see the city and the Caspian Sea in one view. If you zoom in, you can also see the mosque and the Armenian Orthodox Church.

Next to it is a statue of the 12th-13th century poet Nizami Ganjavi.

After bringing my work to the branch, I also have to prepare for my “return home”, so that's all for today. Sorry.

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ウクライナ鉄道のサイトより。ドニプロ・ハルキウ間の列車が、これまでより40分短縮し、4時間を切る形で両市を繋ぐとのこと(1月21日から)。 ドニプロ1609-ハルキウ2003 ハルキウ0933-ドニプロ1322 直線距離としては250キロ程度かと思うので、以前も書いたのですが、日...