











(Харьков ハリコフ)


You can book and purchase tickets for long-distance trains from the website of the Ukrainian Railways company УЗ. If you press the button in the top right corner, the display will change to English.

If you set the starting point, destination and date in the right-hand column and click the button, a list of trains that match those criteria will appear. Below is an example of searching for a train from Kharkiv to Kiev on January 11th, with the display switched to English.

A list of all the relevant trains will appear. Note that trains that have completely sold out will not be displayed.

For example, if you want to go to Kiev Київ on the top train, you can press the blue button for either C1 (first class seating) or C2 (second class seating). Dark-colored seats can be selected. In addition, you can select the car by the red line above. In this case, it means that you can choose from car 1 and car 6.

For example, if you choose seat 15, the display will appear below. If you want to purchase, enter your name in Roman letters and go to the next page. It will be 252G20K.

If you see a display like this, check it. If you want to buy, press PAY and you will go to a page where you can enter your credit card number and make payment. You will be asked to enter your email address, and your e-ticket will be sent to that address. You don't have to print it out, but you can use it on your smartphone etc. However, it also says “If possible, please print it out”.

Also, please be careful of the following cases. There are some cases where the Q code on the display above is crossed out in red. Of course you can still purchase the ticket, but the one you receive will not be a valid ticket. If you go to the station early on the day of travel and go to the “online reservation exchange counter” or the dedicated ticket counter, they will issue you a ticket. Of course, this is free of charge.

The “exchange office” is on the second floor of the suburban train station at the Kharkiv train station (directly in front of the photo. The escalator on the right side of the front goes down). In Kiev, there should be a special ticket office in line with the regular ticket office.

I dream of the day when I can buy tickets for all long-distance trains without having to worry about the “X” symbol.

Also, you cannot buy tickets for suburban trains online. Please purchase them at the station.


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