

 カザン駅と順序が逆になりましたが、最後に紹介するのはベラルーシ駅(ベラルースキー駅。Москва, Беларусский вокзал)です。カザン駅ほどは大きくないのですが、西に向かう大半の列車がここから出るので、それなりには大きいと言えます。











 〇モスクワ-ルィビンスクРыбинск線 2108発

 〇モスクワ-スモレンスクСмоленск線 0710発「ラーストチカ号」、1830発「ラーストチカ号」、2354発「スモレンスク号」
 ラーストチカ号 二等座席800R
 スモレンスク号 二等寝台1300R、三等寝台1000R

 〇モスクワ-ポロツクПолацк線 1958発「ドヴィナ号」

 〇モスクワ-ミンスクМінск線 0945発、2214発「ベラルーシ号」

 ベラルーシ号 一等寝台12900R、二等寝台6200R

 〇モスクワ-ホメリГомель線 1525発、2120発「ソジ号」
 ソジ号 一等寝台11200R、二等寝台5800R、三等寝台3000R

 〇モスクワ-ブレストБрєст線 1512発、1525発、1935発、2203発「ミンスク号」
 ミンスク号 二等寝台6300R、三等寝台3400R、三等座席2600R

 〇モスクワ-グロドノГродна線 1512発

 〇モスクワ-カリーニングラードКалиниград線 1720発「琥珀号」

 〇モスクワ-ワルシャワ(西駅)線 1506発「ポロネーズ号」

 〇モスクワ-ヘプ線 0644発「ヴルトヴァ号」(日によってはプラハ止まりになります)

 〇モスクワ-パリ線 2111発

 〇モスクワ-ニース線 1018発

 〇モスクワ-アナパАнапа線 2223発



 ・モジャイスクМожайск行き 快速で1時間半〜1時間50分程度265R(普通電車で2時間強246R)




(Anapa, Beloruskii vokzal, Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Heb, Kaliningrad, Minsk, Moskva, Mozhaisk, Paris, Polatsk, Rybinsk, Smolensk, Varshava, )


The order of the stations has been reversed from the previous one, but the last station we will introduce is the Belarus Station (Belorussky Station. Москва, Беларусский вокзал). It is not as big as Kazan Station, but most trains heading west depart from here, so it can be said to be a reasonably large station.

The station has six platforms for terminating trains and four platforms for trains that pass through to Savyolov.

The building in the bottom right of the diagram has ticket offices and waiting rooms for long-distance trains. There is an entrance facing the metro and the square, so please enter from there.

This is the ticket office for long-distance trains.

There is a waiting room directly above. Wifi is free (*but you will need a mobile phone).

There are several ticket offices for the suburban lines, but the ticket office is in the building closer to the square (the one at the top of the diagram).

The Aeroexpress train to Sheremetyevo Airport also departs from the suburban train platform (i.e. with ticket barriers). Unlike most trains at this station, this train heads north.

There is also a hotel at the station. From 2700R.

〇Train information from Belarus Station

〇Long-distance train information

Overall map of long-distance trains arriving and departing. From France to Anapa

〇Moscow-Rybinsk Рыбинск line, train 2108

Second-class sleeping car 1800R, third-class sleeping car 1000R

Moscow - Smolensk Smolensk line: 0710 departure “Lastochka”, 1830 departure “Lastochka”, 2354 departure “Smolensk”

Lastochka: 2nd class seat 800R

Smolensk: 2nd class sleeper 1300R, 3rd class sleeper 1000R

Moscow - Polotsk Полацк line, 1958 departure “Dvina”

Second class sleeping car 4800R, Third class sleeping car 2600R

Moscow - Minsk Мінск line, 0945 departure, 2214 departure “Belarus”

Second class sleeping car 5000R, Third class sleeping car 2900R

Belarus, First class sleeping car 12900R, Second class sleeping car 6200R

Moscow - Gomel Гомель line, 1525 departure, 2120 departure “Sodi”

Second class sleeping car 5700R, Third class sleeping car 3100R, Third class seat 2200R

Sodi, First class sleeping car 11200R, Second class sleeping car 5800R, Third class sleeping car 3000R

Moscow-Brest Brest line, 1512 departure, 1525 departure, 1935 departure, 2203 departure “Minsk”

First class sleeping car 12500R, second class sleeping car 6100R, third class sleeping car 3600R

Minsk train, second class sleeping car 6300R, third class sleeping car 3400R, third class seat 2600R

〇Moscow - Grodno Гродна line, train 1512

Second class sleeping car 6500R, third class sleeping car 3500R

〇Moscow - Kaliningrad Калиниград line, train 1720 “Amber”

Second class sleeping car 4000R, third class sleeping car 3200R

Moscow - Warsaw (West Station) line, 1506 departure “Polonaise”

First class sleeping car 11500R, second class sleeping car 8100R

〇Moscow - Prague line, 0644 departure “Vltava” (on some days, the train stops in Prague)

First class sleeping car 18100R, Second class sleeping car 12000R

〇Moscow - Paris line, 2111 departure

First class sleeping car 30200R, Second class sleeping car 20800R

〇Moscow-Nice line, departure 1018

First class sleeping car 28800R, second class sleeping car 18500R

Moscow - Anapa Anapa line, train 2223

First class sleeper, second class sleeper 4400R, third class sleeper 3100R

*Trains to Anapa also depart from Paveletsky and Kursky stations.

〇Suburban lines

If you make a diagram based purely on the first train from the Belarus station, it will look like the diagram below, but in reality there are also trains that depart from the Savelovsky and Kursky stations, etc., so the number of trains increases even more.

Red indicates 10 or fewer trains per day, yellow indicates 20 or fewer trains per day, blue indicates 20 or more trains per day, and the area to the Moscow side of the black line indicates 30 or more trains per day.

There are also suburban rapid trains.

From Belarus Station




・Mojaisk It takes about 1.5 to 1.5 hours by rapid train. 265R (a little over 2 hours by local train 246R)

For information on public transport from this station to Moscow city center, please see here.

(Addendum 1) For information on short trips using this station, see the trips to Borodino and Mozhaisk and the trip to Rybinsk and Uglich.

(Addendum 2) For information on other stations, click here.

Long-distance and suburban trains in Russia 1: Departing from Moscow Kiev Station (Kievsky Station)

・Lviv, Odessa, Kiev, Bryansk, Kaluga, Anapa, etc.

Long-distance and suburban trains in Russia 2: Departing from Moscow Pavelets Station (Paveletsky Station)

Samara, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Almaty, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 3: Departing from Moscow Likhachevsky Station (Likhachevsky Station)

Riga, Pskov, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 4: Departing from Moscow Yaroslavsky Station (Yaroslavsky Station)

Vladivostok, Beijing, Arkhangelsk, Volkta, Yaroslavl, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 5: Departing from Moscow Leningrad Station (Leningradsky Station)

Helsinki, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Novgorod, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 6: Departs from Moscow Kursk Station (Kursky Station)

・Anapa, Baku, Kharkiv, Nizhny Novgorod, Novorossiysk, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 7: Departs from Moscow Savyolov Station (Savyolovsky Station)

Dmitrov, Savelovsky, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 9: Departing from Moscow Kazan Station (Kazansky Station)

Adler, Kazan, Orenburg, Tashkent, Ufa, etc.

(Anapa, Beloruskii vokzal, Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Heb, Kaliningrad, Minsk, Moskva, Mozhaisk, Paris, Polatsk, Rybinsk, Smolensk, Varshava, )

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……