

 今回は、モスクワの終着駅シリーズ第二弾として、メトロ環状線でおよそ5時の位置にあるパヴェレツキー(パヴェレツ)Москва, Павелецкий вокзал駅からの長距離列車と近郊電車を紹介します。またこの駅からはドモジェドヴォ空港Аэропорт Домодедово行きのアエロエクスプレスАэроэкспресс/Aeroekspress(470R。ネット購入で420R)が30分ごとに出ていますが、近郊線の普通電車も一日数本でていますので、それを使うと安く空港まで行けます(123R)。









〇モスクワ-リペツクЛипецк 2142発 「リペツク号」

〇モスクワ-ヴォロネシВоронеж 2114発 「ヴォロネシ号」

〇モスクワ-ノヴォロシースクНовороссийск線(リペツクЛипецк経由) 1720発

〇モスクワ-ノヴォロシースク線(パヴェレツПавелец、クロポトキンКропоткин経由) 2104発


〇モスクワ-アドレルАдлер 0110、1554発


〇モスクワ-ヴォルゴグラードВолгоград線 1342発「ヴォルゴグラード号」、2009発
ヴォルゴグラード号 一等寝台9300R、二等寝台3600R、三等寝台2700R
名称なし列車 二等寝台2500R、三等寝台1900R

〇モスクワ-アストラハンАстрахань線 2359発「ハス(蓮)号」


〇モスクワ-サラトフСаратов線 1526発、1813発「サラトフ号」、2000発「モスクワ・サラトフ号」
名称なし列車 二等寝台2300R、三等寝台1400R、二等座席1100R
サラトフ号 特等寝台15700R、一等寝台7000R、二等寝台3400R、三等寝台2400R
モスクワ・サラトフ号 一等寝台6400R、二等寝台3200R、三等寝台1700R

〇モスクワ-バラコヴォБалаково線 1406発

〇モスクワ-アルマトイАлматы線 2133発「カザフスタン号」
マンギシラクМангистау/ Мангышлак行き(アクトベで分割)を併結













(Actrakhan, Adler, Aeroexpress, Almaty, Balakovo, Domodedovo, Lipetsk, Moskva, Novorossiisk, Paveretskii, Saratov, Volgograd, Voronezh, )


In this article, as the second in our series on Moscow's terminus stations, we will introduce the long-distance and suburban trains that depart from Paveletsky (Pavelets) Москва, Павелецкий вокзал station, which is located at around the 5 o'clock position on the Moscow Metro Circle Line. From this station, the Aeroexpress (470R, 420R if purchased online) to Domodedovo Airport (Аэропорт Домодедово) departs every 30 minutes, and there are also several local suburban trains a day, so you can get to the airport cheaply by using these (123R).

For information on how to get to Paveletskaya Metro Station from Domodedovo Airport using the Aeroexpress, seehere. *As of 2016
*For information on public transport from Paveletsky Station into the city center, see here. 2020.

Aeroexpress timetable. If it's hard to see, please go to the main page.

Enter from the first podyezd (the gate on the far left when facing the front of the station), and the suburban line and Aeroexpress platforms are at the back. There is a ticket gate there (there is no ticket gate on the long-distance train platforms).

This is the ticket office for the suburban line. You can use your card here. There are also ticket vending machines. You can also buy tickets for the Aeroexpress to Domodedovo here.

If you are taking the Aeroexpress, after entering the station, take the escalator down to the lower floor and you will find a small waiting room (near the 2nd podyezd). You can also buy tickets from the vending machines in this lower waiting room.

You will need a ticket to enter the suburban line platform.

If you enter from the 4th podied, you will find the ticket office for long-distance trains.

〇Long-distance trains

From this station, long-distance trains depart for the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea, and Kazakhstan.
Please note that the prices are only a guide. Also, as of August 2016.

Moscow - Lipetsk Lipetsk 2142 departure “Lipetsk”

First class sleeping car 6000R, second class sleeping car 2500R, third class sleeping car 1500R

Moscow - Voronezh Voronezh 2114 departure “Voronezh”

1st class sleeping car 12800R, 1st class sleeping car 7000R, 2nd class sleeping car 3100R, 3rd class sleeping car 1600R

〇Moscow - Novorossiysk line (via Lipetsk) 1720

Second class sleeping car 3500R, third class sleeping car 2100R

〇Moscow - Novorossiysk line (via Pavelets Павелец and Kropotkin Кропоткин) 2104 departure

Second class sleeping car 3200R, third class sleeping car 2500R

Enlarged southern end

Moscow - Adler Адлер 0110, 1554 departure

First class sleeping car 4400R, Second class sleeping car 1900R, Third class sleeping car 1100-1000R

Enlarged southern end

Moscow - Volgograd Volgograd line, train 1342 “Volgograd”, train 2009

Volgograd, 1st class sleeping car 9300R, 2nd class sleeping car 3600R, 3rd class sleeping car 2700R

Train without a name: 2nd class sleeping car 2500R, 3rd class sleeping car 1900R

〇Moscow - Astrakhan Астрахань line, 2359 departure “Lotus”

2nd class sleeping car 4600R, 3rd class sleeping car 3700R

Expansion east of Saratov

Moscow - Saratov Saratov line, 1526 departure, 1813 departure “Saratov”, 2000 departure “Moscow - Saratov”

Train without a name, 2nd class sleeping car 2300R, 3rd class sleeping car 1400R, 2nd class seat 1100R
Saratov: 1st class sleeping car 15700R, 1st class sleeping car 7000R, 2nd class sleeping car 3400R, 3rd class sleeping car 2400R
Moscow-Saratov: 1st class sleeping car 6400R, 2nd class sleeping car 3200R, 3rd class sleeping car 1700R

Moscow - Balakovo line, train 1406

Second-class sleeper 2700R, third-class sleeper 1600R, second-class seat 1300R

Moscow - Almaty Алматы line, train 2133 “Kazakhstan”

(split at Aktobe) to Mangystau/Мангишлак
Second class sleeping car 15100R, third class sleeping car 11000R

To Almaty

Expansion within Kazakhstan

To Mangyshlak

Expansion within Kazakhstan

Almaty is right on the border with China.

〇 Suburban lines

The blue lines have more than 20 trains a day. The red lines have less than 10 trains a day (however, on weekends there are more than 10 trains a day to Uznovo).
The suburban train runs to Uznovo. There are more than 20 trains a day to Ozherelie, the large station just before Uznovo, so you can use it easily. There are also more than 4 express trains a day to Ozherelie. The journey time is just over 2 hours by local train and about 1 hour 50 minutes by express train.

〇Fares for suburban trains to major stations

328R to Uzhnovo
266R to Ozherie (320R if you use the suburban express)
123R to Domodedovo Airport, 470R if you use the Aeroexpress
102R50K to Domodedovo

Why not visit the ancient city of Kashira, which is located along the Oka River?

Incidentally, the station at Domodedovo Airport is currently undergoing construction to add a new platform.

(17 August 2016)

(Addendum 1) This station is covered in the guide to trains from Domodedovo Airport to the city center.

(Addendum 2) Click here for information on other stations.
Russian long-distance and suburban trains 1: Departing from Moscow Kiev Station (Kievsky Station)
・Lviv, Odessa, Kiev, Bryansk, Kaluga, Anapa, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban trains 3: Departing from Moscow Riga Station (Rizhsky Station)
・Riga, Pskov, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban trains 4: Departing from Moscow Yaroslavsky Station (Yaroslavsky Station)
・Vladivostok, Beijing, Arkhangelsk, Volkta, Yaroslavl, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban trains 5: Departing from Moscow Leningradsky Station (Leningradsky Station)
Helsinki, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Novgorod, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban trains 6: Departing from Moscow Kursk Station (Kursky Station)
Anapa, Baku, Kharkiv, Nizhny Novgorod, Novorossiysk, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban train 7: Departs from Moscow Savyolovskaya Station (Savyolovsky Station)
・Dmitrov, Savyolovskaya, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban train 8: Departs from Moscow Belorusskaya Station (Belorussky Station)
Warsaw, Paris, Prague, Kaliningrad, Minsk, etc.
Russian long-distance and suburban trains 9: Departing from Moscow Kazan Station (Kazansky Station)
Adler, Kazan, Orenburg, Tashkent, Ufa, etc.

(Actrakhan, Adler, Aeroexpress, Almaty, Balakovo, Domodedovo, Lipetsk, Moskva, Novorossiisk, Paveretskii, Saratov, Volgograd, Voronezh,)

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ウクライナ鉄道のサイトより。ドニプロ・ハルキウ間の列車が、これまでより40分短縮し、4時間を切る形で両市を繋ぐとのこと(1月21日から)。 ドニプロ1609-ハルキウ2003 ハルキウ0933-ドニプロ1322 直線距離としては250キロ程度かと思うので、以前も書いたのですが、日...