

 ロシアの長距離列車・近郊電車の紹介シリーズ第五弾は、前回のヤロスラヴリ駅の(地下鉄駅を挟んで)隣にあるモスクワ・レニングラード駅(レニングラーツキー駅。Москва, Ленинградский вокзал)からの列車・電車についてです。











 〇モスクワ-タリンTallin線 2310発「バルト・エクスプレス」

 〇モスクワ-ヘルシンキHelsinki線 ★1955発「レフ・トルストイ号」

 〇モスクワ-ムルマンスクМурманск線 ★0041発「アルクチカ号」、2215発

〇モスクワ-ペトロザヴォツクПетрозаводск線 ★2102発「カレリヤ号」

 〇モスクワ-サンクトペテルブルクСанкт-Петербург線 0028発「メガポリス号」、0100発、0115発、0535発「サプサン号」、0640発「サプサン号」、1400発「サプサン号」、1420発、1530発「サプサン号」、1540発「サプサン号」、1735発「サプサン号」、1745発「サプサン号」、1950発「サプサン号」、★2150発「モスクワ-サンクトペテルブルク号」(二階建て)、★2228発「スメナ-Aベテンクル号」、2250発「サンクトペテルブルク-モスクワ号」(二階建て)、2330発「エクスプレス号」、2340発「グランド・エクスプレス号」、2355発「赤い矢号」
 メガポリス号 二等座席6000R
 サプサン号 二等座席3000R
 モスクワ-サンクト・ペテルブルク号 二等寝台3900R
 スメナ-Aベテンクル号 二等寝台3200R、三等寝台1800R
 サンクト・ペテルブルク-モスクワ号 二等寝台2700R
 エクスプレス号 特等寝台12700R、一等寝台5700R、二等寝台3500R
 グランド・エクスプレス号 特等寝台19300R、一等寝台8900R、二等寝台4200R
 赤い矢号 特等寝台14800R、一等寝台5800R、二等寝台4000R
 その他 二等寝台2600R、三等寝台1300R、二等座席3300R

 〇モスクワ-プスコフПсков線 ★2023発「プスコフ号」

 〇モスクワ-ノヴゴロド・ナ・ヴォルホヴェНовгород на Волхове線 2205発「イリメニ号」








 (Murmansk, Novgorod na Volkhove, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Sankt-Peterburg, Tver', Таллинн, Херсинки, )


In this fifth installment of our series on long-distance and suburban trains in Russia, we will discuss trains and trains from Moscow Leningrad Station (Leningradsky Station; Москва, Ленинградский вокзал), which is next to Yaroslavlı Station (across the subway station).

Note that this station is also called Moscow Oktyabrisky by Russian Railways ( for one example). Note this point.

The Moscow Leningrad station sits alongside the Komsomolskaya metro station. Across the street is the Moscow Kazan station. The long-distance train platforms and ticket office are located in the building in the photo.

The platform and ticket office for suburban trains are located at the right side of the building (between the metro station and the station).

This is the ticket vending machine for suburban trains.

Further ahead is the ticket gate.

This is the exit.

Entering the entrance for long-distance trains, you will see a wide concourse. You will pass through the ticket booths on the left and right and under the timetable in front of you.

Turn left to face the ticket office (and right as well). When I tried to buy a ticket for an international flight, I was told, “International flights are sold upstairs. I was told to go upstairs to buy my international ticket.

From the concourse, you go to the waiting room in front of you, and further on to the platform. There is also a waiting room on the second floor. There is also a waiting room on the second floor, where I was able to use free wifi. Furthermore, there are many bank ATMs.

The second floor. The backlight is off.

Some trains, such as the Sapsang, have baggage inspection.

0Introduction of long distance trains

Trains go as far north as Murmansk, but many terminate in areas relatively close to Petersburg.

*Fares and times are estimates only.

0 Moscow - Tallin Tallin line “Baltic Express” departing at 2310

First-class sleeping 11800R, second-class 5800R, third-class 5000R, second-class seat 3800R

Moscow - Helsinki Helsinki line

Special sleeping berth 28,000R, first-class sleeping berth 11,000R, second-class sleeping berth 7,200R

The ★ is a Filmenny train. Fully equipped.

Moscow - Murmansk Мурманск line ★ “Arkutka” departing 0041, 2215

Second class sleeping berth 5200R, Third class sleeping berth 3300R

The ★ is a Filmenny train. Fully equipped.

Moscow - Petrozavodsk Петрозаводск line ★2102 departure “Karelia”.

Special sleeping berth 15300R, first-class sleeping berth 8100R, second-class sleeping berth 2900R, third-class sleeping berth 2000R

★ is a Filmenny train. Fully-equipped.

0 Moscow - St. Petersburg Санкт-Петербург line 0028 “Megapolis”, 0100, 0115, 0535 “Sapsan”, 0640 “Sapsan”, 1400 “Sapsan”, 1420, 1530 “Sapsan”, 1540 “Sapsan”, Sapsan” from 1735, ‘Sapsan’ from 1745, ‘Sapsan’ from 1950, ★ ‘Moscow - St. Petersburg’ from 2150 (double-decker), ★ ‘Semena - A Betenkul’ from 2228, ‘St. Petersburg - Moscow’ from 2250 (double-decker), 2330 Express” from 2330, ‘Grand Express’ from 2340, ‘Red Arrow’ from 2355

Megapolis, second class seat, R6,000

Sapsan, second class seat, R3000

Moscow - St. Petersburg, second class sleeping 3900R

Smena - A Betenkul - 2nd class sleeping 3200R, 3rd class sleeping 1800R

St. Petersburg - Moscow - 2nd class sleeper 2700R

Express - extra class sleeper R12700, first class sleeper R5700, second class sleeper R3500

Grand Express - extra sleeper 19300R, first class 8900R, second class 4200R

Red Arrow: extra first-class sleeper 14800R, first-class sleeper 5800R, second-class sleeper 4000R

Others: 2nd class sleeper 2600R, 3rd class sleeper 1300R, 2nd class seat 3300R

The ★ is a Filmenny train. Fully-equipped.

0 Moscow - Pskov Псков line ★ “Pskov” departing 2023

*There is also a Pskov train departing from Moscow Riga Station (Ryshsky Station).

First-class sleeper 9900R, second-class sleeper 3100R, third-class sleeper 2400R, second-class seat

The ★ is a Filmenny train. Fully-equipped.

0 Moscow - Novgorod na Volkhove Новгород на Волхове line 2205 departure “Ilimeni”.

Special sleeping berth 11000R, 1st class sleeping berth 4400R, 2nd class sleeping berth 2200R, 3rd class sleeping berth 1100R, 2nd class seat 800R

0Suburban line

Suburban trains can take you to Tveri Тверь without changing trains. There are more than 20 trains a day to Tveri, making the trip relatively easy.

There are also about 8 suburban express trains a day to Tveri, which take about 1 hour and 40 minutes and cost R480 (regular trains take about 2 hours and 40 minutes and cost R367R10K).

The blue line has more than 20 trains a day, the red less than 10.

Let's go to Tveri! (2016.9)

(PS 1) For trips using this station,there areHelsinki-Talin-Pskov traveloguesandTveri-Torjok travelogues.

(Postscript 2) For information on other stations, click here.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 1: Departing from Moscow-Kiev station (Kievsky station)

Lviv, Odessa, Kiev, Bryansk, Kaluga, Anapa, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 2: Departs from Moscow Pavelets station (Paveletsky station)

Samara, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Almaty, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 3: Departure from Moscow Riga Station (Lissisky Station)

Riga, Pskov, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 4: Departure from Moscow Yaroslavl (Yaroslavsky Station)

Vladivostok, Beijing, Arkhangelsk, Volkta, Yaroslavl, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 6: Departing from Moscow Kursk (Kursky) station

Anapa, Baku, Kharkiv, Nizhny Novgorod, Novorossiysk, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 7: From Moscow Savyolov station (Savyolovsky station)

Dmitrov, Savyolov, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 8: Departing from Moscow Belorussiya station (Belarsky station)

Warsaw, Paris, Prague, Kaliningrad, Minsk, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 9: Departure from Moscow Kazan station (Kazansky station)

Adrel, Kazan, Orenburg, Tashkent, Ufa, etc.

(Murmansk, Novgorod na Volkhove, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Sankt-Peterburg, Tver', Таллинн, Херсинки, )

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……