

 今回ご紹介するのはメトロ環状線を時計になぞらえた場合に3時の位置にあるモスクワ・クルスク駅(クルスキー駅)Москва Курский Вокзалです。この駅はその位置からして、東に行く路線ばかりだ、という偏見を持つと痛い目に遭う駅です。というのも、この駅は構造的には終端駅と言うよりも中間駅に近く、まず南北に、つまり二方向に線路が延びているからです。


















〇モスクワ-トゥーラТула線 0648発-0921着「エクスプレス」、1838発-2119着「エクスプレス」

〇モスクワ-オリョールОрел線 0830発-1217着「ラーストチカ号」

〇モスクワ-スタルィー・オスコルСтарый Оскол線 ★2140発-0815着「沿オスコル号」

〇モスクワ-リゴフЛьгов線 2321発-0823着「セイム号」

〇モスクワ-クルスクКурск線 ★2330-0745「ソロヴェイ号」

〇モスクワ-ベルゴロドБелгород線 ★0625-1410、1200-1945、1600-2245、★2227-0810発「ベルゴリエ号」
ベルゴリエ号 一等寝台6800R、二等寝台3000R、三等寝台2400R

〇モスクワ-ハルキウХарків線 2145発-0851着「ニコライ・コナレフ号」

〇モスクワ-クリヴィー・リフКривий Ріг線 1448発-1428着「沿ドニプロ号」

〇モスクワ-クレメンチュクКременчуг線(ハルキウ行きに併結) 2145発

〇モスクワ-ポルタヴァПолтава線(ハルキウ行きに併結) 2145発

〇モスクワ-スムィСуми線(ハルキウ行きに併結) 2145発-1345着

〇モスクワ-アドレルАдлер線(オリョール経由) 2010発-二日後の1013着

〇モスクワ-キスロヴォツクКисловодск線(オリョール経由) 2010発-二日後の1047着

〇モスクワ-エイスクЕйск線 2359発

〇モスクワ-アナパАнапа線 2050発

〇モスクワ-アドレル線(リペツク経由) 0035発

〇モスクワ-バクーБаку線 2240発


〇モスクワ-ウラジーミルВладимир線(土曜日のみ) 0725発「エクスプレス」、1824発「エクスプレス」

〇モスクワ-ニジニ・ノヴゴロドНижный Новгород線 0635発「ストリシ号Стриж」(ショウドウツバメ号)、0715発「ストリシ号」、1400発「ストリシ号」、1540発「ストリシ号」、1635発「ラーストチカ号Ласточка」(ツバメ号)、1835発「ストリシ号」、2020発「ストリシ号」、2355発「ニジェゴロジェツ号Нижегородец」
ストリシ号 一等寝台3400R、一等座席3200、二等座席2000R
ラーストチカ号 二等座席900R
ニジェゴロジェツ号 一等寝台5700R、二等寝台3200R、三等寝台1900R









I would like to introduce you to the Moscow Kursk (Kursky) station, Москва Курский Вокзал, which is located at 3 o'clock if the Metro Ring Line is compared to a clock. This station, because of its location, is a painful place to be if you have the prejudice that all lines go to the east. The station is structurally more like an intermediate station than a terminus, since the tracks run north and south, i.e., in two directions.

The southbound track immediately divides into south (toward Kursk) and east (toward Vladimir). The northbound track turns west through the side of Leningrad station, where it splits further west (toward Riga) and southwest (toward Smolensk-Minsk via Moscow-Belarsky station). The station is very complicated, and that is why trains to various destinations arrive and depart from this station.

Kursk station seen from the south. The white building in the foreground is the station building for suburban trains. The large building in the middle is the station building for long-distance trains. There are some exceptions.

If you turn to the right from this position, the short-distance platform is right in front of you. However, the entrance is in the station building.

Let's take a look at the station structure first, and note that platform 11 is not easy to find. It is at the corner of the first platform.

The third ticket gate of the station for suburban trains. It was rush hour and crowded with people. There is an automatic ticket gate.

There is the first ticket gate at the back, and this is the ticket gate for the suburban line's toll rapid trains.

The platform for long-distance trains is, as usual, basically without ticket gates.

The platforms are connected by an underground passageway.

You can enter the station building for long-distance trains (first basement floor) through the underground passage. However, some suburban trains leave from the long-distance platforms, and there is a ticket office for suburban trains here as well.

This is also the ticket office for suburban trains. Tickets can be purchased with a card.

Going up to the first floor, there are ticket booths for long-distance trains.

Here is a list of trains that do not depart from this station, but use this station as an intermediate station. 90% of the trains depart from Petersburg and head further south.

This is the ticket office for international trains.

This is the ticket office for special trains such as the Strisi.

The following is the information for long-distance and short-distance trains departing from and arriving at this station. Fares and charges are approximate.

First, a general view.

0 long-distance train

(1) Train to the south (via Tula, Kursk, Voronezh, etc.)
00 Moscow - Tula Тула line 0648 - 0921 “Express”, 1838 - 2119 “Express”
1st class seat 800-700R, 2nd class seat 700-600R, 3rd class seat 700-500R 

00 Moscow - Oryol Орел line 0830 departing - 1217 arriving “Rastochka ” 
second class seat 1000-800R

Moscow - Oskol Старый Оскол line

First class sleeping berth 6800R, second class 3300R, third class 1800R 
★ is Filmenny train. The train is well-equipped.

Moscow-Ligov Льгов line 2321 departing-0823 “Seim”
1st class sleeping berth 4900R, 2nd class sleeping berth 2700R, 3rd class sleeping berth 1700R 

Moscow-Kursk Курск line ★2330-0745 “Solovei”
1st class sleeping berth 4700R, 2nd class sleeping berth 2900R, 3rd class sleeping berth 1800R 
★ is Filmenny train. Fully equipped train.

0 Moscow - Belgorod Белгород line ★0625-1410, 1200-1945, 1600-2245, ★2227-0810 “Belgorje”.

Second class sleeping berth 3000R, third class sleeping berth 2000R, second class seat 1300R, third class seat 1100R 
The “Belgorje” First class sleeping berth 6800R, second class sleeping berth 3000R, third class sleeping berth 2400R 
★ is Filmennyi train. It is well equipped.

0 Moscow - Kharkiv Харків line 2145 departing - 0851 arriving “Nikolai Konarev”.

First class sleeping 13800R, second class 7100R, third class 4100R

Moscow - Kryvyi Rih Кривий Ріг line 1448 departure - 1428 arrival “Dnipro”.

Second class sleeper 9100R, third class sleeper 5300R

0 Moscow - Kremenchuk Кременчуг line (combined with the train to Kharkiv) departing 2145

Second class sleeping berth 8100R, third class 4800R

Moscow - Poltava Полтава line (combined with train to Kharkiv) 2145 departures

Second class sleeper 7600R, third class sleeper 4400R

Moscow - Smuly Суми line (combined with train to Kharkiv) 2145 departures - 1345 arrivals

Second class sleeper 7800R, third class sleeper 4500R

Moscow - Adrel Адлер line (via Oryol) 2010 departure - 1013 arrival two days later

First class sleeper 18100R, second class sleeper 7400R, third class sleeper 3500R

0 Moscow - Kislovodsk Кисловодск line (via Oryol) departing 2010 and arriving two days later at 1047

Second class sleeper 3500R, third class sleeper 3100R

0 Moscow - Ask Ейск line 2359 departing
1st class sleeper 9800R, 2nd class sleeper 5800R, 3rd class sleeper 3100R

Moscow - Anapa Анапа 2050 departures

Second class sleeping berths: 3400R, third class sleeping berths: 3000R

Moscow - Adrel (via Lipetsk) 0035 departure

Second-class sleeper 900R, third-class sleeper 3000R

(2) Southeast bound train (via Volgograd)

Moscow - Baku Баку line 2240 departure

First class sleeping: 19800R, second class sleeping: 10400R, third class sleeping: 7600R

(3) East bound trains (via Vladimir)

00 Moscow - Vladimir Владимир line (Saturday only) 0725 “Express”, 1824 “Express”
2nd class seat 700R 

00 Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod Нижный Новгород line 0635 “Strisi Стриж Нижегород Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Нижегод Низный Нижегод Низный Низный Нижегод Нижегородец"
Strysi first-class sleeping berth 3400R, first-class seat 3200, second-class seat 2000R 
Rastochka second-class seat 900R 
Nizhegorozhets first-class sleeping berth 5700R, second-class seat 3200R, third-class seat 1900R

0 Suburban lines (without transfer from Moscow Kursk station)

Blue lines are sections with at least 20 trains per day, yellow lines are sections with at least 10 trains per day, and red lines are sections with less than 20 trains per day. The Moscow side of the blue line has more than 30 trains a day, and the red line has less than 20 trains a day.

Here is the fare chart.

There is a rapid train from Kursk to Serpukhov (three trains a day on most days). The fare for this rapid train is as follows. For example, a regular train from Moscow Kursk station to Serpukhov costs 275.50 R (about 1 hour 45-55 minutes), while a rapid train costs 300 R (less than 1.5 hours).

There is also a fast train running in the direction of Vladimir.

Moscow Kursk - Jerezhno-Darozhye line. One train a day on most days, 123R (61R50K for a regular train)

Moscow Kursk - Krutoye line. Two trains a day on most days, 235R (205K on regular trains)

Moscow Kursk - Vladimir line. One train a day on most days, 485R (460R50K for a regular train)

Kursk station, I hope not to get lost.


(Additional information about other stations is here.

Russian long-distance and suburban trains 1: Departing from Moscow Kiev station (Kievsky station)

Lviv, Odessa, Kiev, Bryansk, Kaluga, Anapa, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 2: Departs from Moscow Pavelets station (Paveletsky station)

Samara, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Almaty, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 3: Departure from Moscow Riga (Lissiysky) station

Riga, Pskov, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 4: Departure from Moscow Yaroslavl (Yaroslavsky Station)

Vladivostok, Beijing, Arkhangelsk, Volkta, Yaroslavl, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 5: Departing from Moscow Leningrad Station (Leningradsky Station)
- Helsinki, Tallinn, Petersburg, Murmansk, Novgorod, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 7: from Moscow Savyolov (Savyolovsky Station)
・Dmitrov, Savyolov, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 8: Departing from Moscow Belorussiya station (Belarsky station)

Warsaw, Paris, Prague, Kaliningrad, Minsk, etc.

Russian long-distance and suburban train 9: Departure from Moscow Kazan station (Kazansky station)

Adrel, Kazan, Orenburg, Tashkent, Ufa, etc.

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……