It seems that the Russian army is already approaching Kiev. It's not that far from Belarus, after all. I wonder if they're aiming to capture the capital and take control of the entire left bank of the Dnieper? What are their immediate goals? The further west they go in Ukraine, the less they have to do with the pretext of protecting the Russians.
Anyway, today's summary.
The UK has targeted ВТБ, Aeroflot, etc. for punishment. https://www.rbc.ru/economics/24/02/2022/6217bb319a794742ff809dc1
Lithuania has suspended the issuance of entry visas to Russians. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5230638
New Zealand has stopped issuing visas to some Russians. https://www.rbc.ru/politics/25/02/2022/62181c899a794761a0549b42
The United States imposed sanctions on Sberbank and Gazprombank. https://ria.ru/20220224/sanktsii-1774908120.html
Japan stopped issuing visas to Russians. It froze the assets of financial institutions and restricted exports to organizations involved in the military sector. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5230640
The Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation has updated the list of closed airports. Stavropol has been removed from the list, and Lipetsk has been added. The current list of closed airports includes: Gelendzhik, Simferopol, Elista, Anapa, Krasnodar, Bryansk, Belgorod, Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Rostov airports. https://favt.gov.ru/novosti-novosti/?id=8944
The EU has banned the sale of aircraft, spare parts and equipment to Russian airlines. https://ria.ru/20220225/samolety-1774937466.html
The Russian Ministry of Transport has requested that the government provide subsidies to airlines arranging special flights from southern Russia. https://iz.ru/1296393/2022-02-24/vlasti-rf-predlozhili-kompensirovt-transportu-raskhody-za-vyvoz-rossiian-s-iuga
Russia has banned flights by British airlines over Russian airspace. It has also restricted flights registered in the UK, owned, leased or operated by British nationals from entering Russian airspace. Transit flights over Russian airspace are also not allowed. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/824452
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