






The quarantine period has been shortened for those returning from Moscow. Is the infection somewhat under control? (The following is an excerpt from an e-mail from the Embassy.)
 From August 14 (Sat.) onward, Moscow City will be subject to the “3-day post-entry quarantine” (reduced from “6-day quarantine” to “3-day quarantine”).
In addition, on and after August 14 (Sat.), those who have stayed in Amur, Volgograd, Oryol, Kabarda Balkans, and Republic of North Ossetia within the past 14 days from the date of entry into Japan will also be required to stay in facilities secured by the quarantine station for 3 days after entry into the country.
There is no change in Moscow Oblast, St. Petersburg City, Astrakhan Oblast, Ivanova Oblast, Udmurt Republic, Vladimir Oblast, Karelia Republic, Krasnoyarsk Region, Sakha Republic, Saratov Oblast, Chelyabinsk Oblast and Tuiva Republic, which are already subject to “3-day suspension after entry into the country”. There is no change.

I applied for the permit on June 11 and it was issued on July 22, so it took longer than the four weeks required by the rules, but anyway, I can enter the country for the next one year. However, I can enter the area for the next one year anyway.

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