




















 ロシア語ではこの町の名称は「エリスタ Элиста/Elista」ですが、カルムィク語だと「エルスト Элст/Elst」と、母音が少なくなります。カルムィク語はもともと母音が少なく、「母音は風にさらわれた」と言うのだそう。なんだかかっこいい。




While on a business trip to Astrakhan, I took a weekend to visit the neighboring Republic of Kalmyk.

It is 316 km from Astrakhan to Elista, the capital of the Republic. It is a long course, leaving by car at 7:00 AM and returning after 10:00 PM. It was tough, but we did our best.

It took 2 hours on the federal road. We take a break here.

According to the driver, this is the only road to the Black Sea, so all cars stop here. I couldn't fit it in the picture, but there are several similar cafes and restrooms in a row. Group tourist buses were also seen.

Stores. In addition to this, there is a cafe corner where you can eat shashlik and other food.

From here it is another hour and a half into Elista.

Our first stop was the Stalin Repression Monument. Park your car in the nearby parking lot and climb a small hill.

It is the work of sculptor Ernst Neisvesny. An artist who was not understood by Khrushchev and eventually defected and worked mainly in New York, he left his work in several places in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. However, this is extremely difficult to understand the meaning without an explanation.


According to Wikipedia, the crying sheep is a symbol of patience and mildness, the sword and bayonet are symbols of violence, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara has compassion for the people, the giant horse on the reverse side is the power of movement, the embryo is at the center of the eternal circle, etc.

Next to it is an exhibit of railroad cars used in the forced migration of the Kalmyk people to Siberia.

A sign next to it explains that 26,820 Kalmyk families, or 107,315 people, were forcibly emigrated on December 28-29, 1943, on a freight train, and that 19,906 families, or 70,824 people, returned in 1957-58.

This is the capital city of Elista, albeit far from the center. The surrounding landscape looks like this. There is a larger area of empty land because the houses were artificially built on the steps. The name of the town Elista is derived from the Kalmyk word “Elsun” meaning “sand, of sand.

In Russian, the name of this town is “Elista Элиста/Elista”, but in Kalmyk the name is “Elst Элст/Elst”, which has fewer vowels. The Kalmyk language originally has few vowels, and they say “the vowels were carried away by the wind”. It's kind of cool.

A little more driving to the center of the city, GO!

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……