



 朝のモスクワ・ベラルースキー駅Белорусский вокзал。シェレメチェヴォ空港Шереметевоまで、アエロエクスプレスАэроэкспресс/Aeroekspressで移動です。



 出国検査(外国人は、ここでイミグレーションカードМиграционная картаを没収されます)、荷物検査等を経て、搭乗ロビーで飛行機を待ちます。









(Lviv, Moskva, Sheremetevo, Варшава, Львов, )


On a business trip, I moved from Moscow to Lviv in Ukraine. As I was free to choose how to get there this time too, I thought about traveling by train, but I decided against taking a night train because Lviv is even further away than Kiev.

However, there are currently no direct flights between Russia and Ukraine, which are at war. So, I had no choice but to travel to Lviv via a third country, but instead of the usual route via Minsk, this time I decided to go via Warsaw.

Moscow Belorussky Station in the morning. We're going to Sheremetyevo Airport by Aeroexpress.

After passing through the security check at the entrance, you will find the waiting room and ticket office. There are also shops on the floor of the ticket office (400R) that have been around for a long time, where you can wrap your luggage in plastic tape to prevent it from being opened by the staff.

After arriving at Sheremetyevo Airport, you will move to Terminal D. Once you enter Terminal D, you will see the Aeroflot check-in counter on your right. I was using Polish Airlines this time, but since it was a code-share flight, I was able to check in here. By the way, I tried to check in online the day before, but I wasn't able to do it for code-share flights.

After going through passport control (foreigners will have their migration cards confiscated here) and luggage screening, you wait for your flight in the boarding lobby.

The flight takes about two hours, and you arrive at Warsaw Chopin Airport. Set your watch back two hours.

This time, I had to change planes for Lviv, so I should have gone to the transit corridor, but I made a mistake and left the airport (I didn't go through immigration!). However, there was a corridor for passengers who made such a mistake, and I was able to go to the boarding floor after just having to go through the luggage check again.

The plane to Lviv was small, and for the first time in a while I boarded a plane using the bus and boarding steps.

We arrived in Lviv after a flight of about an hour. As it was winter, we advanced the time by one hour from Warsaw time (in the end, the time was one hour behind Moscow time). The photo is of the space before immigration control, and I was so scared by the lack of people that I took a photo.

After passing through passport control (I was asked my reason for entering the country), I went through the baggage claim area and went outside. There were a lot of people here. There were also lots of taxi drivers. Incidentally, the passport control gates were divided into one for Ukrainians and one for everyone else, but Russians were directed to a separate inspection area. That's what war is like, I guess.

Rainy Lviv from the bus. Because I was used to the snow in Moscow, it felt strange. It's still warm, isn't it?

The time zone changed twice during the day. There was once a woman called Maeter who traveled through time, and I felt like that.

For information about traveling from Russia to Ukraine, please see
・Traveling from Moscow to Chernihiv by train (May 2016)
・Traveling from Moscow to Kharkiv by train (December 2016)

(Lviv, Moskva, Sheremetevo, Варшава, Львов,)

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……