8:00 検温、通知
8:30 朝食
11:00-14:00 メールで「<厚生労働省>健康状態確認のお願い」が来るので、記載されたURLから体調について回答
12:00 昼食
18:30 夕食
7:00 コロナ検査キット配布。検体を自分で採取しておく。
7:30 検疫官が各室を回って検体を回収
8:45 朝食
11:00-14:00 メールで「<厚生労働省>健康状態確認のお願い」に回答
12:00 昼食
14:00 検査結果が電話で通知
15:00過ぎ 部屋を出ていいと電話連絡あり
15:30 チェックアウト
15:40頃 バス出発
2.必要書類所持の確認 質問票WebのQRコード、その他書類がそろっているか確認
4.書類等審査 アプリのインストール、動作確認
2.必要書類所持の確認 質問票WebのQRコード、その他書類がそろっているか確認
4.書類等審査 アプリのインストール、動作確認
It doesn't feel hot inside the accommodation, but it looks hot outside.
That aside, I've put together a memo of the process after boarding the plane.
The plane departed on time. Normally, you would be given a customs declaration form before arrival, but now, shortly after departure, you are given several sheets of paper, including a customs declaration form and a declaration form. You answer questions such as which country you are entering from, where you will be staying for the first 14 days after entering the country, and what your means of transport will be to the voluntary isolation center.
After landing, we were instructed to disembark first, with non-Olympic personnel disembarking first, and Olympic personnel and media personnel disembarking later. So we promptly left the plane.
The process after arriving at Haneda Airport is as follows.
1. Check and submit a negative certificate
2. Check that you have the necessary documents - check that you have the QR code for the questionnaire on the website and any other documents
3. Antigen test
4. Check documents, etc. - install the app and check that it is working
5. Check your email address
6. Obtain the results of the antigen test
7. Allocation to a bus
8. Immigration check
Once inside Haneda Airport, the one-way corridor was divided in two down the middle, with one side for Olympic officials and the other for general passengers. Well, even though the lines were divided, the corridors were next to each other. At the time we passed through, there was no one in the corridor for Olympic officials, so there was no contact. Once inside the airport, there are signs posted everywhere saying that photography is prohibited, so there are no photos.
Here, you will need to prepare the QR code, the documents you were given on the plane, such as the pledge form, the certificate of a negative PCR test result, and the boarding pass stub, so that you can easily show them.
There are staff members standing at various points along the corridor to help you. At several points, you were asked to show the QR code you had obtained at the end of the questionnaire web.
1. Confirmation and submission of negative certificate
There is a desk where the PCR negative certificate form is collected. Then, I was given a large green rectangular piece of paper with a rubber band attached. I wonder if this is to distinguish between those who are subject to compulsory isolation and those who are not.
2. Check that you have the necessary documents. Check that you have the QR code for the questionnaire on the website and other documents.
They will check that the necessary information is written on the documents you were given on the plane. One of these is a form called “Request for cooperation from all passengers entering Japan”, which lists the things you need to do for 14 days from the day after you enter the country. On the back of the form, you are asked to write your physical condition and the area you will be staying in, so I added my name, country and area at the beginning of the form. Even if you are from Russia, if you are from a region that is not designated as a “particularly affected area”, such as Moscow, you are not subject to mandatory quarantine, so you will be asked which town in Russia you are from. You will also be asked about your place of residence and means of transportation for the 14-day period.
3. Antigen test
You will be given a test kit, and you will enter a separate booth one at a time to collect saliva, and when you have finished, you will submit it to the staff member in charge. At this time, you will be assigned a sample number, and you will receive the test results using this number.
4. Document review, etc. Installing the application, checking operation
Next, you will be taken to a fairly large space with chairs lined up at regular intervals. When you sit down, several staff members will come to check the operation of the app in turn. They will check whether the GPS and tracking functions of Google Maps are turned on, and whether OEL and MySOS are properly activated, according to a checklist. When that is complete, you will line up with the staff sitting at desks in the same hall.
5. Confirming your email address
The staff at the desk will send a confirmation email to the contact email address you provided, so check to see if you received it. This is where your health will be checked for the next 14 days. If you have any questions about how to use the apps you checked in step 4, you can ask them directly here.
6. Obtaining the antigen test results
Go to the waiting room to wait for the results of the antigen test. Before entering the waiting room, write your name on the list at the staff desk. When the results are ready, they will be announced over the loudspeaker, so go to the results collection counter. When you get here, you can take a break at the vending machines and toilets. You can also get snacks such as chocolate and potato chips. It's been a long day.
7. Allocating people to buses
People are grouped together in the order in which their test results are issued, and then they are taken to their compulsory isolation destination by bus. There are two spaces in the waiting room where people are grouped together before boarding the bus, and they wait for the next announcement, sitting in order. They wait until a certain number of people have gathered, and when they have gathered, they head to the immigration inspection area under the guidance of the staff.
8. Immigration
We proceeded to immigration under the guidance of the staff. The process was the same as normal immigration. After passing through passport control one by one, we picked up our checked luggage, passed through customs, and followed the staff to the bus.
We boarded a large, dedicated bus and were taken to a government-designated hotel for compulsory isolation. There seem to be several locations, in various districts. Where you are taken depends on the situation at the time. We also waited on the bus for a while until a certain number of people had gathered.
In my case, the JAL flight arrived at 7:50 and the bus left the airport at 11:00.
Also, there were many places where photography was prohibited, so I ended up with nothing but text.
I had to return to Japan suddenly for various reasons.
From July 1st, if you are staying in Moscow and then enter Japan, you will be compulsorily isolated for 3 days in Japan. I couldn't find any information about what would happen after entering Japan, so I hope this article will be of use to people in a similar situation.
There are a few things you need to prepare before returning home.
1. Securing a place for self-isolation
2. Securing a means of transportation to the place of self-isolation
3. PCR test negative certificate
4. Downloading various apps
5. Filling in the “Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Questionnaire Page”
1. Securing a place for self-isolation
The self-isolation period is 14 days from the day after you enter the country. In my case, my company instructed me to stay at a hotel, so I looked for a suitable hotel. As it coincided with the time when people involved in the Olympics were entering the country, there were only a limited number of places where I could stay for multiple nights, but I was lucky enough to be able to secure a place through Booking.com. There are also places that offer 14-night plans for people returning to their home country.
2. Securing transportation to the isolation site
Reference information: https://tokyo-haneda.com/information/2021/detail_00011.html
Once you have decided on a hotel, you will need to secure transportation to the hotel.
As public transport is not available, you can either have someone pick you up in their own car, rent a car, or hire a taxi. Taxis are not an option. In addition, there is a bus service for people entering the country, which goes to some hotels. I booked a taxi, but depending on the time of year, it may be fully booked and you may be turned down, so I booked it as soon as I had decided on my flight date and hotel.
However, since entry from Moscow was subject to compulsory quarantine, it became unclear when I would be able to leave the facility and get into the hired car. After consulting with the car hire company, it was decided that when I entered the government-designated hotel, I would be informed of the time I could leave, and they would notify me as soon as they knew.
3. Certificate of Negative PCR Test Result
You will need to submit a certificate of negative PCR test result taken within 72 hours of departure when entering Japan. Japan's quarantine system has detailed specifications for specimen collection and testing methods, so you will need to use a testing facility that can issue a certificate that meets these specifications. If you are flying from Moscow, there are several testing facilities at Sheremetyevo Airport. The Japanese Embassy in Moscow recommends the Arhimed testing facility, and it has been confirmed that certificates obtained here are accepted by Japanese quarantine. You can choose from Standard (1800R, 24 hours), Express (2750R, 2 hours), and VIP (3500R, 1.5 hours). VIP is recommended because there are fewer people waiting in line.
Inspection agency website: https://labarhimed.ru/order
I made a reservation on the website in advance, paid by credit card, and went straight to the inspection center on the day.
(The image is borrowed from JAL materials)
This is a diagram of the arrivals terminal on the first floor of Sheremetyevo Airport Terminal D. The Arhimed inspection area is located in ① and ②, with ① being the VIP and express inspection area and ② being the standard inspection area. ① is next to McDonald's, with the VIP inspection area opposite McDonald's and the express inspection area and desk for issuing paper negative certificates on the McDonald's side.
At the inspection point, you show the barcode that is sent to you by email. You are then given a barcode sticker, and you take this with you to the inspection point. After that, after an hour and a half has passed, you go to the desk and have the results printed out. One side is in Russian and the other side is in English. Actually, the person in front of me was told to “please re-inspect because a suspicious result was given”.
4. Downloading the various apps
More information: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00250.html
The types of apps required change from time to time, but as of July 2021, there are four types: an app to check location information (OEL), a video call app (MySOS), Google Maps, and an app to check contact information (COCOA). People aged 13 and over must each have their own smartphone and register it. It seems that if the OS is old, the app won't work, so you should also check the version. Download the app before you leave, and complete the registration process before you leave. After that, there is a procedure to complete the registration after you enter the country. If you don't have a smartphone or can't use the app, you must pay 15,000 yen at Haneda Airport to rent a smartphone with all the apps installed.
After completing the above, you will need to go through the necessary procedures at Sheremetyevo Airport. At the JAL check-in counter, they will check your negative certificate and confirm that the app has been downloaded and set up. For airlines other than JAL, in addition to the negative certificate, they will ask you if you have the QR code required for entry. The employees of my company showed the QR code on the website above and were able to get through without any problems (when I showed the instructions that the Aeroflot airport staff had, it seems that they are supposed to check that the QR code issued in 5 below is present. However, when I showed them the QR code on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website, they were able to deal with it).
5. Entering the information on the “Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Questionnaire Page
Corresponding page: https://arqs-qa.followup.mhlw.go.jp/#/
Before arriving in Japan, you should complete the information entry on the ‘Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Questionnaire Page’. There is a box for entering your seat number, so you can complete the procedure once that has been confirmed. I used the time while waiting for boarding to complete it.
Once you have finished entering the information, a QR code will be issued. I will be using this many times after entering Japan, and there was a warning that this screen cannot be restored once it is closed, so I took a screenshot.
After completing this, it's time to board the plane.
It seems that the number of people entering Japan is restricted around the time of the Olympics. On the day I flew, there were only about 30% of the seats available, but on the reservation page, it said that there were no seats available.
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