


2.ドゥブロフカ Дубровка
所在地:ул. Шарикоподшипниковая, 13, стр.3/Sharikopodshipnikovaya str., 13 c3








 隣のベトナムレストランのメニュー。フォー・ボーが250R、生春巻き4個400 Rなど。

 フードコードに入らず、通路をそのまま直進すると、屋内駐車場に行き当たります。駐車場に出る前の位置で左折して進むと開けた場所に出ます。「フォー・アン Фо Ань」というレストランが目印です。








 フードコートを突っ切り、20番出口に向かうと、出口の横に「フォー・ボー Фо Бо」のレストランがあります。右手も同じくベトナムレストラン。




Recently, there has been another increase in the number of coronavirus patients. That's scary.
Anyway, this is part 2 of our look at the Asian food market in Moscow (Vietnamese section).

2. Dubrovka Дубровка
Location: ул. Шарикоподшипниковая, 13, стр.3/Sharikopodshipnikovaya str., 13 c3
Next to Dubrovka Metro Station, 10 minutes on foot from Dubrovka Station on the Moscow Central Ring Line (МЦК)
Opening hours: 8:00-20:00

This is a market that houses a large number of retail stores that mainly sell clothes and goods. In one corner of the market, there is a Vietnamese-run grocery store and restaurant that has somehow managed to squeeze in. The route we will be taking and the locations of the food shops and restaurants are indicated in green.
(From the market's website)

Enter the market building from the entrance immediately outside exit 2 of Dubrovka Station. Enter the area between the clothes shop on the left of the photo and KFC, where it says “Дубровка” in red letters.

Then you'll see a blue sign. This is the entrance to the market. There are also other entrances to the building.

Go straight down the hallway on the right-hand side of the building.
Inside the market, there are rows of shops selling clothes, bags and other items, and it's a little dark, with shop assistants calling out to you from time to time. It has the atmosphere of a traditional market. It's a nice feeling.

As you walk through the rows of clothes repair shops and coat shops, you'll see a sign for the food court on your right.

This is what it looks like inside. There are restaurants serving Vietnamese and Azerbaijani food. There is a Vietnamese food shop on the right at the front.

The narrow interior is packed with coffee, grains and dried goods.

The menu from the Vietnamese restaurant next door. Pho Bo is 250R, 4 spring rolls are 400R, etc.

If you go straight down the aisle without going into the food court, you will come to the indoor car park. If you turn left before you get to the car park, you will come to an open space. The restaurant “Pho An” is a landmark.

Mr. Koya couldn't resist and ordered some here. This is 250R. Personally, it was my favorite pho I've had in Moscow.

Pho Bo is 250R for a small (600ml) portion, 300R for a large (800ml) portion, 300R for pho ga, 300R for 4 fried spring rolls, 260R for 2 shrimp spring rolls, etc. There are also lunch sets. Fried beef with rice + pho bo, fried noodles with beef + mushroom soup, chicken + rice + pumpkin soup with compote for 450R.

There is another Asian grocery store behind Pho An. Go through the gate next to Pho An that leads to the parking lot.
The entrance is through this white frame with glass. A young Vietnamese man was bringing in loads of goods one after another.

The store is small. It seems that the Vietnamese restaurants in the market are buying their ingredients from here, and the staff from Pho An were coming to pick up the ingredients.

There are piles of spices.

There is another Vietnamese restaurant.
Go back to Pho An and keep going straight. If you go past the huge discount store Дисконт, where wedding dresses are on display, you will see a sign like this.

To the right of this is an Azerbaijani food court. There is also a shop selling Azerbaijani ingredients.

If you cut through the food court and head for exit 20, you will find the “Фо Бо” restaurant next to the exit. To the right is also a Vietnamese restaurant.

The best thing about this place is its location. It's very easy to access by subway. The Vietnamese food is also cheap and delicious. The selection of ingredients is better in Hanoi-Moscow. There is a difference in the number of fresh foods such as vegetables.

I found something like this when I was walking.

There may be other Asian food stores and Vietnamese restaurants besides the ones I introduced here, but my time is up for today. If I come near here again, I'll stop by.

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今年もマースレニツァ Масленица/Maslenitsa が始まり、そして終わりました。 2 月 24 日(月)~ 3 月 2 日(日)まででした。その直前の週末からモスクワ市内でマーケットが開かれていましたのでその時の写真をば。   ここはマネージ広場の会場。 シンボルの...