



〇一番本数が多いのはキエフКиїв-ハルキウХарків線で一日3往復走っています。 *使用する車両はインターシティプラス

 (キエフ発) 0648-1123 1335-1811 1803-2240
 (ハルキウ発) 0723-1202 1316-1754 1839-2319です。

〇次に多いのは往復2本のキエフКиїв-ザポリッジャЗапоріжжа線です。 *インターシティプラス

 (キエフ発) 0715-1422 1449-2157
 (ザポリ発) 1537-2249 2258-0610(夜行便)


〇キエフКиїв-クラスノアルミーシクКрасноармійськ線 *インターシティプラス 

 (キエフ発) 1735-0143
 (クラスノ発) 0441-1250

〇キエフКиїв-コスチャティニウカКостятинівка線 *インターシティプラス

(キエフ発) 0624-1246
(コスチャ発) 1629-2258

〇キエフКиїв-ヘルソンХерсон線 *無印インターシティ
 (キエフ発) 0737-1452
 (ヘルソン発) 1557-2307

〇キエフКиїв-オデッサОдеса線 *インターシティプラス

 (キエフ発) 0611-1308
 (オデッサ発) 1506-2203 

〇キエフКиїв-スムィСуми線 *無印特急

 (キエフ発) 1709-2130
 (スムィ発) 0539-0952

〇ダルヌィツァДарниця-キエフКиїв-テルノピリТернопіль線 *無印インターシティ

 (ダルヌィツャ発) 0629-0643-1242
 (テルノ発) 1514-2051-2122

〇ダルヌィツャДарниця-キエフКиїв-リヴィウЛьвів-トゥルスカヴェツィТрускавеці線 *インターシティプラス リヴィウ発着便もあります。

 ダルヌィツァ発 0622-0637-1200-1346
          *ダルヌィツャ-キエフ-リヴィウ 1700-1720-2223
 トゥルスカ発 1543-1715-2230-2255
           *リヴィウ-キエフ-ダルヌィツャ 0620-1127-1142

〇リヴィウЛьвів-チェルニウツィЧернівці線 *無印特急

 リヴィウ発 1908-2242
 チェルニウツィ発 0610-0945


キエフ-ペレムィシリ線 *インターシティプラス

(Запорожье, Интерсити, Киев, Львов, Одесса, скорый поезд, Сумы, Тернополь, Трускавец, Хариков, Черновцы, )


Ukraine's railways have daytime “express” trains, which consist of Intercity Plus (Інтерсіті+), unmarked Intercity, and unmarked Express trains. As they are train express trains, they are fast (unmarked express trains are passenger train trains). Of course, they can't compete with airplanes.
*Postscript: An intercity train service was set up in the second half of 2016, running from Kiev to Przemyśl (Poland). I expect that it is probably the same as the one to Yasi in Moldova, and that they have extended the broad gauge line to Peremysil.

Most of the lines connect Kiev with other major cities in the country, but there are also lines connecting Lviv and Chernivtsi. Note that it is not possible to travel to the major eastern city of Donetsk (due to the civil war). The journey ends at Kostantynivka or Krasnoarmyysk. If Donetsk is reinstated in the future, it will probably be connected to this line.

The most frequent service is the Kiev-Kharkiv line, which runs three round trips a day. The train cars used are Intercity Plus

. The information below is current as of July 2016, so please use it as a reference only.

(From Kiev) 0648-1123, 1335-1811, 1803-2240

(From Kharkiv) 0723-1202, 1316-1754, 1839-2319

The journey time is about 4 hours and 40 minutes.

The first class carriage is 554.8G, and the second class carriage is 321.34G. Also, there are no third class carriages on express trains.

*As with the following trains, the fare will vary depending on the train, the date of travel, and whether it is a special service, so please use this as a rough guide only.

The next most popular route is the Kiev-Zaporizhzhya line, with two return trips. *Intercity Plus

(from Kiev) 0715-1422, 1449-2157

(from Zaporizhzhya) 1537-2249, 2258-0610 (night train)

(Fares: approximate) 1st class 689.27G, 2nd class 399.6G

The following trains (in principle) make one round trip per day. There may also be extra services.

〇 Kiev Київ- Krasnoarmyysk Красноармійськ line *Intercity Plus
*It appears that the city name of Krasnoarmyysk was changed to Pokrovsk Покровськ by a government ordinance in May 2016.

(From Kiev) 1735-0143

(From Krasno) 0441-1250

(Fares: approximate) 1st class 583.28, 661.58, 741.27G, 2nd class 353.20G, 390.84G

Kiev-Kostyatinivka line *Intercity Plus

(From Kiev) 0624-1246

(From Kostyatinivka) 1629-2258
(Fare: Approximate) 1st class 689.27G, 2nd class 399.60G

Kiev-Kherson line *Intercity (no mark)

(From Kiev) 0737-1452

(From Kherson) 1557-2307

(Fare: guide) 1st class 351.55G, 2nd class 225.30G

〇 Kiev Київ-Odessa Одеса line *Intercity Plus

(From Kiev) 0611-1308

(From Odessa) 1506-2203

(Fare: Approximate) 1st class 478.56-618.88G, 2nd class 329.58-399.60G

Kiev-Sumy line *Express trains with no mark

(Departing from Kiev) 1709-2130

(Departing from Sumy) 0539-0952

(Fare: Approximate) 1st class 216.03G, 2nd class 162.62G

Darnitsa-Kyiv-Ternopil line *Unmarked Intercity

(Darnitsa) 0629-0643-1242

(Ternopil) 1514-2051-2122

(Fares: approximate) 1st class 360.88G, 2nd class 253.80G

Darnitsa-Kyiv-Lviv-Truskavets line *Intercity Plus There are also services to and from Lviv.

From Darnitsa: 0622-0637-1200-1346
Darnitsa-Kyiv-Lviv: 1700-1720-2223

Departing from Turska 1543-1715-2230-2255
*Lviv-Kyiv-Darnitsa 0620-1127-1142

(Fare: Approximate) 1st class 505.83G, 2nd class 329.58G

Lviv-Chernivtsi line *Express without a mark

Departing from Lviv 1908-2242

Departing from Chernivtsi 0610-0945

Fare: Approximate: 1st class 166.78G, 2nd class There does not appear to be any connecting trains.

You can travel in various ways on this daytime train.

(7 July 2016)

Kiev-Perehmyssil line *Intercity Plus
Departs Kiev 0645-1325
Departs Perehmyssil 1426-2233

(Zaporozhye, Intercity, Kiev, L'vov, Odessa, express train, Sumy, Ternopil, Truskavets, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, )

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……