


 それはさておき、モスクワメトロのカリーニン・ソンツェヴォ線(黄色)の続報。南西に延びるこのメトロは2023年にヴヌコヴォ空港Аэропорт Внуковоに乗り入れすることが決まっています(これはありがたい)が、それ以上は延伸しないとの発表がモスクワ市から本日小さく出されていました。ヴヌコヴォはモスクワ市内なので、メトロが到達するのはいいのですが、その先もつづくモスクワ市へのアクセスはメトロ以外でしてね、ということか。



Recently, I feel that the number of customers not wearing masks is gradually increasing on the metro and other places. Are they feeling reassured after getting the vaccine? There are also reports of bullying towards people who have not had the vaccine, so even if you don't catch coronavirus from rubbing your hands together, you may still be attacked by other people. It's a scary thing.

Leaving that aside, here's some more news about the Kalinin-Sontsevo (yellow) line of the Moscow Metro. This metro line, which extends to the southwest, is due to be extended to Vnukovo Airport (this is a good thing) in 2023, but today the city of Moscow announced that it would not be extended any further. Vnukovo is in Moscow, so it's good that the metro reaches there, but it seems that access to the rest of Moscow will be by other means than the metro.

I've been thinking for a while that the drivers wouldn't be able to handle it if the line was extended too far, so I think this is a good thing.

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……