









 さて、キリロフ修道院を出て直進すると野外市場に出ます。そこに停まっていたタクシーでフェラポントフ修道院Ферапонтов монастырь/Ferapontov monastyrへ向かいます。キリロフ修道院で教えてもらったのですが、相場は片道400ルーブルで、それ以上はぼったくりだそうです。しかし帰りの足も必要なので、待ち時間込みで1000ルーブルで手を打つことにしました。



 写真は左から、受胎告知教会と食堂Церковь Благовещения с трапезной палатой(1530-1531/1534年)、鐘楼Колокольня(17世紀)、生神女誕生大聖堂Собор Рождества Богородицы(1490年)、聖マルチニアン教会Церковь преподобного Мартиниана(1640年)。





 ヴォログダに着いた時にはすっかり日が暮れていました。ここまで食事にありつけなかったので、降車後、街中に向かって歩きます。鉄道駅から町中心部に延びるミーラ通りул. Мираとチェーホフ通りул. Чеховаの交差点にあるカフェ「ナ・グリナフНа Глинах」でボルシチを食べ、夜行列車で食べられるパンも購入。備えあれば憂い無し。


 2階には「ヴォログダのお土産Вологодские сувениры」というお土産店があり、大きな看板がかかっています。この地方の特産品が一通り揃っていて、店員さんも親切でした。時間のある方は立ち寄ってみてはいかがでしょうか。http://volsuvenir.ru/



The bus stop for Kirillov is about a 10-minute walk from the town center. You can see a church across the lake, so walk towards it. The lake was frozen over, but in the distance you could see a fisherman sitting on a chair on the ice, casting his line.

This is the entrance to the Kirillov Monastery. Admission to the grounds is free, but you need a ticket to enter the museum section. A combined ticket that allows you to enter all of the paid facilities costs 650R. Incidentally, from May to October it costs 850R. Credit cards are accepted. In addition to the cathedral, there are several museum buildings that display excavated items, local materials, icons, and local handicrafts such as lace and embroidery, and it is quite worth seeing them all.

The monastery is surrounded by 11 towers and walls between them. This is the 17th century Melegennaya Tower.

The monks' cells.

There is a lake at the back. It was completely frozen over, and it looked like you could walk across to the other side. Just to be sure, I wore a windbreaker-type winter trouser over my normal clothes, and I also wore the winter trekking shoes I had worn on Lake Baikal, and it turned out to be the right choice.

Even though it was frozen over solid, it would have been scary if the surface of the lake had suddenly cracked. So, here's a shot from around here.

A boat in the courtyard. Work was underway to restore the building despite the cold weather. I guess they are probably fishing on the lake as they are a self-supporting business.

There is a snack bar near the entrance, where you can get things like piroshki and tea. In summer, there may be other places to eat.

Now, if you walk straight out of the Kirillov Monastery, you will come to an open-air market. We got into a taxi that was parked there and headed for the Ferapontov Monastery. I was told at the Kirillov Monastery that the going rate was 400 rubles each way, and anything more than that was a rip-off. However, I also needed a way back, so I decided to settle for 1000 rubles, including the waiting time.

Cars cannot enter the grounds of the monastery. From this bridge, you will continue on foot.

The river flows like this below.

The Ferrapontov Monastery was founded in 1398 and is one of the oldest monasteries in northern Russia. It is home to a mural of St. Nicholas painted in 1502 by Dionysius, a 15th century icon painter who was considered to be the successor to Andrei Rublev, the most important icon painter of the 15th century Moscow School, and who was active from the end of the 15th century to the 16th century.
From left to right: Annunciation Church and refectory Церковь Благовещения с трапезной палатой (1530-1531/1534), bell tower Колокольня ( 17th century), Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Собор Рождества Богородицы (1490), Church of St. Martinian Церковь преподобного Мартиниана (1640).

The admission fee here is 600R. After watching a video introducing the restoration work, we went inside the Cathedral of the Birth of the Theotokos to see the real frescoes. I wasn't able to take any photos, but I think I could have if I'd paid the fee.

(From Wikipedia. Fresco of St. Nicholas)

The exterior of the Cathedral of the Birth of the Theotokos. The lace-like pattern is beautiful.

As the bus was about to leave, we headed back to Kirillov. The driver was originally from Azerbaijan and a father of five. He said, “I've been to St. Petersburg, but I prefer living in the countryside here.” There are many historical sites and beautiful natural scenery in this area. I bet it's even more beautiful in summer.
We boarded a bus from Kirillov to Vologda. On the way back, we took a large bus.

By the time we arrived in Volgoda, it was completely dark. As we hadn't had a chance to eat anything since we left Kirillov, we walked towards the city center after getting off the bus. We ate borscht at the cafe “Na Glinaх” at the intersection of Mira Street, which runs from the train station to the city center, and Chekhova Street, and also bought some bread to eat on the night train. If you are prepared, you have nothing to worry about.

As you would expect from a big city, there were some stylish shops in Volgogda.

On the second floor there is a souvenir shop called “Volgogda Souvenirs”, with a big sign hanging above the door. The shop had a full range of local specialties, and the staff were very friendly. If you have time, why not drop in? http://volsuvenir.ru/

In the meantime, the night train to Moscow arrived. Perhaps because I had been in a cold place all day, I slept better than usual.

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……