

 仕事に疲れたので、午後から散歩に出かけました。昨日のテーマの続き物として、キエフスキー(キエフ)駅Москва/Moskva, Киевский вокзал/Kievskii vokzalに行ってみました。








 ついでに、ここのショッピングモールにはユニクロUniqloが入っています。雰囲気は日本と同じ。安いT シャツで499Rでした。今着ているものがボロくなったら買いに来ます。


I was tired from work, so I went for a walk in the afternoon. As a continuation of yesterday's theme, I went to Kievsky (Kiev) Station Москва/Moskva, Киевский вокзал/Kievskii vokzal.

There was a large shopping mall next door (the domed roof you can see in the background is called “Evropa” (Europe)), and it was a very busy place.

I headed straight for the suburban train station at Kievsky (Kiev) Station. Unfortunately, there was no fare chart. Instead, I got a map of the lines and a timetable for the “express” trains that connect Kaluga Калуга/Kaluga, which is a suburban line, with here. First, here's the map of the lines. The time to Nara.

This is the time to Kaluga. On the way, there is Maloiaroslavets, which is impressive. Also, at the end of the branch in the lower right corner, there is Aleksin. There are many old and famous towns.

There are also suburban express trains running between Moscow and Kaluga. By the way, I don't know the price. But I think it's probably an additional charge on top of the fare.

Also, I forgot to take a photo yesterday, so I took a photo of the ticket vending machine and the screen. You choose your destination on the touch panel.

Starting from the top left, there are buttons for each station in order, moving to the right. If there are too many to fit on the screen, you can move to the next page with the “Next Page” button.

Finally, here is a map of the station. So this is where the Aeroexpress trains to Vnukovo leave and arrive.

Incidentally, the shopping mall here also has a Uniqlo store. The atmosphere is the same as in Japan. I bought a cheap T-shirt for 499R. I'll come back to buy one when the one I'm wearing now gets worn out.

PS: For details about long-distance trains and suburban trains departing from Kiev Station, please see here.

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ウクライナ鉄道のサイトより。ドニプロ・ハルキウ間の列車が、これまでより40分短縮し、4時間を切る形で両市を繋ぐとのこと(1月21日から)。 ドニプロ1609-ハルキウ2003 ハルキウ0933-ドニプロ1322 直線距離としては250キロ程度かと思うので、以前も書いたのですが、日...