

 ウクライナ鉄道の代表取締役クラウツォウЄвген Кравцовが、式典で来年度(2019)中のキエフКиїв/Kiiv・ベルリンBerlin線の「復活」を発表したとのこと(「復活」というのは、僕は知らないのですが、共産主義時代などに存在していたのでしょうかね)。


At a ceremony, the CEO of Ukraine Railways, Yevgeny Kravtsov, announced the “resurrection” of the Kiev/Kiiv-Berlin route during the next fiscal year (2019) (I don't know what “resurrection” means, but I wonder if it existed during the communist era or something like that).
There are no details about the route, etc., but if possible, I'd like it to be a train that Japanese people can use without a visa, i.e. one that doesn't go through Belarus... However, until Ukraine joins the EU in the future (or maybe it won't or won't be able to), it seems like it will take a long time for immigration control.

On a related note, the logo of the Ukrainian Railways has changed slightly (the new logo is above, the old logo is below). I prefer the old Soviet-style logo. The rounded shape that represents the wheels has also disappeared.

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時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……