

 成田から日航JAL便でモスクワに到着する場合、飛行機はモスクワ南部のドモジェドヴォ空港Аэропорт Домодедовоに到着します。ここから市内に入るには、バス、電車、タクシーなどを利用しなくてはなりません。













(Aeroexpress, Domodedovo, Metro, Moskva, NARITA, Paveretskii, )


If you arrive in Moscow from Narita on a JAL flight, the plane will arrive at Domodedovo Airport (Аэропорт Домодедово) in the south of the city. From here, you will need to take a bus, train or taxi to get into the city.

I think that the Aeroexpress, which connects the airport and Paveletsky Station, is the most popular option. It's easy to get used to, but for those of you visiting Moscow for the first time, here are the directions to Paveletskaya Station on the Moscow Metro (the metro is connected to Paveletsky Station). Once you've reached the metro station, you should be able to find your way to your accommodation.

First, after passing through immigration and customs, you will come out through the automatic doors to the location shown in the photo (the photo was taken from the side of the building where you will be greeted). You should come out through the gray door slightly to the left of the center of the photo. This is the far end of the long, narrow airport building. The ticket gates and platforms are located on the completely opposite side, so if you keep going all the way to the end of the building, you will get closer to the platforms.

I borrowed the map of the airport from the Domodedovo Airport website. From the green mark at the very end, there is a path to the ticket gates. There is also an exit from the building at the green mark in the foreground, so you can also head towards the platform from here. In this case, if you head to the right after leaving the building, you should be able to see the train platform straight away.

If you are using the passage at the back, please go all the way to the very back corner. Go past the cinnamon bun shop and to the very back left. There is a passage there.

When you enter the passageway, it will look like this. When you reach the end of the passageway, turn right and go outside the building.

When you get outside, there will be a sign pointing you to the right, and if you follow it, you will find ticket machines and ticket gates. You can also buy tickets using a credit card. 470R (420R if you buy online). They also sell business class tickets (1000R).

The ticket looks like this. There is a ticket gate, so hold the barcode part up to the scanner part (made of glass) of the automatic ticket gate and the gate will open. By the way, there is also a regular suburban train ticket gate on the right, so please make sure you go through the ticket gate on the left (you should be able to tell because the red train will be arriving at the platform depending on the timing).

The Aeroexpress is pulling in. It is a non-stop service to Paveletsky Station. The journey takes about 48 minutes. All seats are unreserved except for business class. There is also a trolley selling drinks and snacks on board.

The train arrives at Paveletsky Station without stopping. When you get off, walk towards the station building, but just before you enter the station building, turn left and go out to the long-distance platform. Most passengers will go that way. Just follow them and you'll be OK. Then, go into the station building. There are no ticket barriers.

The actual image may be slightly different, but if you go from the platform into the station building and head for the (M) mark, you'll be OK. If you don't have a metro ticket, you can buy one from a vending machine or ticket booth in front of the metro ticket barriers.

One point of note: the closest platform to the entrance is the green line platform. However, as most people will probably be using the brown circular line, please walk to the back of the station, past the green line platform, as shown in the diagram below. It's a bit of a distance, but the route itself is simple. You can also take the diagonal passage in the diagram (www.moscowmap.ruさんより引用).


For information on public transport from Paveretsky Station to the city center other than the metro, please refer to here. (2020.5,14)

(Aeroexpress, Domodedovo, Metro, Moskva, NARITA, Paveretskii,)

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