

 さて、今回はモスクワMoskva/Moscow、キエフスキー駅Kievskii vokzal/stationからの公共交通機関を紹介します。先に紹介したパヴェレツキー駅と同じで、環状線沿いなので中心に向かうには恵まれています。ただ朝夕はメトロが混むので注意。ヴヌコヴォ空港Vnukovo airportからアエロエクスプレスАэроэкспресс/Aeroekspressでこの駅にたどり着いた場合に使うことになるでしょう。




I'm Koya, and I'm having trouble with the coronavirus. I've made the decision not to go back to Japan, so you don't have to worry about me, but there was a case where a Japanese person who was trying to return to Japan on a charter flight via Sheremetyevo Airport was illegally charged 7,000 rubles by a real police officer on the grounds of the coronavirus, and was asked to transfer the money to an account in their name. I hate things like this.
This time, we will introduce public transport from Moskva/Moscow and Kievskii vokzal/station. Like Paveletsky station, which we introduced earlier, it is located along the circular line, so it is well-placed for heading towards the center. However, be careful as the metro is very busy in the mornings and evenings. You will probably use this if you arrive at this station from Vnukovo airport on the Aeroexpress.

Blue is for buses, and green is for the metro. By the way, when I took bus No. 119 from Akademicheskaya to Kievsky Station, I remember that I had a terrible time because of the terrible traffic jams in front of the station.

There are no trolleybuses or trams in the south-west direction from Kiev Station.

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ウクライナ鉄道のサイトより。ドニプロ・ハルキウ間の列車が、これまでより40分短縮し、4時間を切る形で両市を繋ぐとのこと(1月21日から)。 ドニプロ1609-ハルキウ2003 ハルキウ0933-ドニプロ1322 直線距離としては250キロ程度かと思うので、以前も書いたのですが、日...