

 さて、今回はモスクワMoskva/Moscow、キエフスキー駅Kievskii vokzal/stationからの公共交通機関を紹介します。先に紹介したパヴェレツキー駅と同じで、環状線沿いなので中心に向かうには恵まれています。ただ朝夕はメトロが混むので注意。ヴヌコヴォ空港Vnukovo airportからアエロエクスプレスАэроэкспресс/Aeroekspressでこの駅にたどり着いた場合に使うことになるでしょう。




I'm Koya, and I'm having trouble with the coronavirus. I've made the decision not to go back to Japan, so you don't have to worry about me, but there was a case where a Japanese person who was trying to return to Japan on a charter flight via Sheremetyevo Airport was illegally charged 7,000 rubles by a real police officer on the grounds of the coronavirus, and was asked to transfer the money to an account in their name. I hate things like this.
This time, we will introduce public transport from Moskva/Moscow and Kievskii vokzal/station. Like Paveletsky station, which we introduced earlier, it is located along the circular line, so it is well-placed for heading towards the center. However, be careful as the metro is very busy in the mornings and evenings. You will probably use this if you arrive at this station from Vnukovo airport on the Aeroexpress.

Blue is for buses, and green is for the metro. By the way, when I took bus No. 119 from Akademicheskaya to Kievsky Station, I remember that I had a terrible time because of the terrible traffic jams in front of the station.

There are no trolleybuses or trams in the south-west direction from Kiev Station.



 コロナ急増で、買い込んだパスタばかり食べているこうやです。モスクワMoskva/Moscow、パヴェレツキー駅Paveretskii vokzal/stationからの公共交通機関を紹介します。先に紹介したベラルースキー駅と異なり、環状線沿いなので中心に向かうにはやや恵まれているように思います。ドモジェドヴォ空港Domodedovo airportからこの駅にたどり着いた場合、いきなりトレチャコフ美術館とか、ダニーロフ修道院Danilovskii monarstyrなぞを目指すなら、トラムヴァイやバスが便利ですね。






 それはともかく、シェレメチェヴォ空港Sheremetevoからモスクワ入りした際、多くの方が利用するアエロエクスプレスАэроэкспресс/Aeroekspressの終着駅ベラルースキー駅(ベラルーシ駅)Beloruskii vokzal/stationからの市内公共交通路線を図にしてみました(乗り換えは考慮せず。またロシア鉄道線は除外)。




The corona in Moscow is expanding, but Koya-kun, who is able to work from home, is basically staying at home and doing nothing (?), and checking the city transport map. It is compulsory to wear a mask and gloves, and there is a fine for breaking the rules. Well, I'm just doing my normal thing.
Incidentally, there is a flight back to Japan on JAL tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (May 11th and 13th) in the evening. It's 739 euros for economy class. Koya-kun, who is a shut-in, doesn't want to take the risk of going to the airport, so he won't be taking it.

Anyway, I've made a map of the public transport routes in the city from Beloruskii vokzal/station, the terminus of the Aeroexpress/Aeroekspress train line, which many people use when entering Moscow from Sheremetevo Airport (I haven't taken transfers into account, and I've also excluded the Russian Railways line).
Blue Синий/Blue is for buses Автобус/Bus, Yellow Желтый/Yellow is for trolleybuses Троллейбус/Trolleybus, Orange Оранжевый/Orange is for marshrutkas Маршрутка/Marshrutka, Red Красный/Red is for trams Трамвай/Tram, Green Зеленый/Green is for metros Метро/Metro.

Expanded version (only lines that didn't fit in the above map)

The three-digit numbers for long-distance lines and the н and м lines that have appeared in recent years are mostly long-distance lines, so they didn't fit on the smaller map. As you might expect, there are a lot of lines going to the north-west. The number 7 tram looks like it would be fun to ride when you're bored, but it would probably be quicker to use the metro as a way of getting around.
Also, with the number of tourists declining, I think that almost no one will be able to use this map as a reference, so I wonder how much time (or effort?) I've wasted! (I'm a little ashamed of myself.)


ユジノサハリンスク空港から市内への公共交通機関: 2020春

 サハリン島の行政の中心、ユジノサハリンスク空港Аэропорт Южно-Сахалинск/Airport Iuzhno-Sakhalinskから市内への公共交通機関を案内します。といっても、空港前から青線で示されるバスАвтобус/Busに乗れば、基本的には市内に向かいます。運賃は20R。



We will guide you through public transportation from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport, the administrative center of Sakhalin Island, to the city. However, if you take the bus marked in blue from in front of the airport, you will basically be heading towards the city. The fare is 20R.
Incidentally, АЭ is the bus that goes to the train station.

The airport page had a diagram explaining the route to and from the city.

I have to confess that I have never been to Sakhalin. I plan to refer to this when I go there.


イルクーツク空港から市内への公共交通機関: 2020春

 イルクーツク空港Аэропорт Иркутск/Airport Irkutskから市内への公共交通機関について、ルートを地図化しました。例に漏れず青Синий/BlueがバスАвтобус/Bus、黄色Желтый/YellowはトロリーバスTrolleybus、オレンジОранжевый/OrangeがマルシルートタクシーМаршрутка/Marshrutkaです。トラムは来ていません。鉄道駅に向かうならマルシルートの99番循環や20番、アンガラ対岸の市街地に向かうなら多くのルートがあります。



We have mapped out the routes for public transport from Irkutsk Airport Аэропорт Иркутск/Airport Irkutsk to the city center. As usual, blue Синий/Blue is for buses Автобус/Bus, yellow Желтый/Yellow is for trolleybuses Trolleybus, and orange Оранжевый/Orange is for marshrutkas Маршрутка/Marshrutka. There are no trams. If you are heading for the train station, there are many routes, including the marshrutka No. 99 and No. 20.

In the diagram below, the blue circle is the domestic terminal and the red circle is the international terminal. Please note that the domestic terminal is a modern glass-fronted building, while the international terminal is a European-style building.

The domestic terminal, which used to be a ramshackle building, has been modernized without us noticing (photo from wiki). The river flows on and on, and yet it is not the same water.


ハバロフスク空港から市内への公共交通機関: 2020春






ハバロフスク鉄道駅からの市内への公共交通機関: 2020春

 もうどうあがいても日本には戻れなくなったので、こういうときこそ調べて、旅行好きの方に貢献したいと思います。日本からのお客が多そうなハバロフスク鉄道駅Железнодарожный Вокзал/Rail Station/Хабаровск/Khabarovskからの市内交通Городской транспорт/City Transportです。赤Красный/RedがトラムТрамбай/Tram、青Синий/BlueがバスАвтобус/Bus、オレンジОранжевый/OrangeがマルシルートタクシーМаршрутка/Marshrutkaです。飛行場Аэропорт/Airpoetには35番バスbusにご乗車ください。
 尚、バス11, 13, 26, 28, 42番は駅前のレニングラード通りを渡って右のビルの前が発着所、1cは駅前を横切るレニングラード通りのバス停、その他6, 7, 24, 35は駅を出て右手、公園脇のバス停から出ています。トラムはレニングラード通りを渡って向こう側に停留所があります。



時節柄こんなものを見かけました。 「 2 月 23 日 祖国防衛の日」 生産国:ロシア   この日は 3 月 8 日の国際婦人デーほど大々的でないとはいえ、男性にちょっとしたプレゼントを贈ることになっています。しかし、これをあげる人・もらう人はいるのだろうか……