



 北にはモスクワ・サヴョーロフスキーСавеловский вокзал駅を越えてロブニャЛобняまで、西はモスクワ・ベラルースキー駅Белорусский вокзал経由でオジンツォヴォОдинцовоまでが直通で結ばれます。このルートは、シェレメーチェヴォ空港Шереметьево行きのアエロエクスプレスАэроэкспресс/Aeroekspressのルートとかぶっており、目新しさはそれほどありません(西へ行けるようになったのはいいのですが)。


 リガ方面のナハヴィノНахавиноから、リシキーРижский вокзал駅を通って市内中心部に入り、クルスキーКурский вокзал駅を抜けてポドリスクПодольскまで進む路線です。クルスク駅もリガ駅も元々通過駅でもあるので、工事はあまり必要ありません。





In Moscow, the МЦД (MTSD) will open on November 19th (it's difficult to know how to translate this. A direct translation would be the Moscow Central Diameter Line). In short, the suburban lines that used to terminate at Moscow ●● Station (although there were exceptions) will now connect to other lines via railway lines within Moscow. To put it simply, it's like the Shonan-Shinjuku Line in Tokyo.

The first stage of the project will see the opening of two lines. Each line will connect between suburban cities via Moscow's terminal stations (Moscow Savyolovsky, Belorussky, Likhinsky, Kursky stations), which do not require much construction work.

МЦД-1: Savyolovskaya-Belorusskaya Line (diagram from Wiki)

It runs directly from Moscow to the north, beyond the Moscow-Savyolovsky railway station, to Lobnya, and to the west, via the Moscow-Belorussky railway station, to Odintsovo. This route overlaps with the Aeroexpress/Aeroekspress route to Sheremetyevo Airport, so it's not really that new (although it's good that you can now go west).

МЦД-2: Riga Kursk Line (diagram from Wiki)

This line runs from Nakhavino in the direction of Riga, through Riga station, and then on to Podolsk via Kursky station. As Kursky and Riga stations are both originally through stations, there is not much construction work required.

There are still three planned routes, but since the station remodeling work is likely to be extensive, it will be some time before they open.

What is worth noting is that the flow of people in Moscow is expected to change, and the commuting area of Moscow is expected to expand. If you have an office in the center of the city, the commuting area will expand, and even if you live in a relatively cheap area (compared to Moscow), you can reach your office without changing trains in some cases. That's right, you won't have to change trains to get on the metro loop line! In Tokyo, too, thanks to the Shonan-Shinjuku Line, Takasaki, Utsunomiya and Odawara (especially Takasaki and Utsunomiya, which used to stop at Ueno) have become part of the commuting zone.

I think that Moscow's living environment will probably change considerably (but at a slow pace)!

This is what it will look like when it is completed (quoted from М24)

If that's the case, it might be okay to translate the name of the Moscow Central Passage as “Moscow Central Passage Line”.

The ride section is here.


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ウクライナ鉄道のサイトより。ドニプロ・ハルキウ間の列車が、これまでより40分短縮し、4時間を切る形で両市を繋ぐとのこと(1月21日から)。 ドニプロ1609-ハルキウ2003 ハルキウ0933-ドニプロ1322 直線距離としては250キロ程度かと思うので、以前も書いたのですが、日...